


9 years, 5 months ago


Name: Cosdromeides, Coz for short

Age: Ageless

Gender: Genderless

Species: Celestial being of star dust

 Their kind typically lives in groups known as "clusters". They're generally very large, close knit groups that operate via mind link that is formed through eons of living together. Every decision is unanimous and everyone knows how everyone is feeling.

Nearly all of Coz's original cluster was erradicated by [???] and they attempted to merge with another, nearby cluster. Of course, this being nigh unheard of, Coz was not accepted and became an outcast. They allowed them to physically occupy the quadrant with them, but did not like them. Eventually, tensions rose and the cluster decided they wanted Coz away from them/ no longer wanted to tolerate them. So, the cluster claimed to be migrating to [random quadrant near Earth] and said they needed a scout to go ahead to the area (aka a Beacon). Coz, was chosen. Unfortunately, since they did not share the mind link that the rest of the cluster did, they did not know about Earth's high gravitational pull nor did they know it was a trap to get them sucked onto the planet.

Of course, this trap succeeded and Coz is currently stuck on a planet of mortals, unable to fight the gravitational pull enough to even breach the first layer of Earth's atmosphere.


- Grumpy, mostly because of being stuck on earth with a bunch of mortals
- Vain and a bit arrogant
- Pretends to be aloof, but character development happens and they become so much more openly caring
- Highly intelligent

Their colors change depending on time of day. They're sensitive to light.