Mida (?)



9 months, 11 days ago


They say if you save a god from peril, they may gift you a boon as thanks. This noble spent all his life wanting more. Wanting better. Wanting to be something. He scoured and hoped for a god to save, so that he may gain a boon. And one day he found such a god. He saved him from divine peril, and in turn was granted a gift of his choosing. He asked for a golden touch, to turn the paved roads beneath him to gold, to gild the food he ate, to turn his very blood to the precious metal. The god obliged. Since then this noble has risen to higher and higher powers, to the king's court, to the eventual king himself. Much can be bought and bargained for with pure gold. It does not take much to make the nobles hop and jump at his word, to shut the displeased subjects as taxes rise, to win over favour of neighboring kings, queens and monarchs. He has long forgotten the value of his treasury, the numbers are so high his brain has stopped comprehending it. All he knows is that it is not enough. Once he reaches that next milestone, surely it will fill the void in his chest. But perhaps such a milestone may never occur. Perhaps the gold-paved streets of El Dorado only leads on a goosechase. Perhaps in search of metal unbefit of weaponry and armory, he may find that El Rey Dorado, the golden king, only means something to those who value gold. He has anexxed many countries, but not all are impressed by his golden touch. To fill the void he has become narrow-sighted, to take and take and amass, until one day when some decided that enough is enough. To some, he is only El Hombre Dorado: the golden man. And to those who do not value gold, he is just a man. - Due to his blood turning to gold, he needs iron from external sources. The payment of a boon like his is that he must drink the blood of his fellow dragons to give himself the vital things gold cannot give him - Teeth and spikes have turned to gold - Is covered in all forms of jewelry, all gilded - Accidentally made some of his hair turn to gold as well - The golden ribcage is not an actual ribcage. In his world, dragons believe their magic comes from the chest, that it exists through the very fabric of their ribs and spine. All nobles wear a decorative version of a parent's ribcage, as honor to their ancestors and the fabric of the dragon experience - Has gotten various gold decorations embedded into his scales - Underbelly is reflective and shiny - His blood is pure gold; should he ever be caught blushing, it will tint his scales golden - Has his hair done by servants, and his food eaten by golden forks, so it will not gild his food - Artist's note: Can wear any style of jewelry, as many or as few as wanted