Merv Delacroix



9 months, 22 days ago


maeve 'merv' delacroix. thirty-three. afab nonbinary — she/her. bisexual — the weirder you get with your gender the more she'll like you, or be blonde. 5'9. australian shepherd. is a medical examiner and a fairly young one at that in terms of the field average. is fascinated with altering her body in ways that make her go 'hehe' when she looks in the mirror. has several piercings. not pictured in her reference but she does have mastectomy and hysterectomy scars. has such bad anxiety that she's gotten high blood pressure. from west virginia but she tries so hard to talk like she's from las vegas, this facade does slip - often. loves to wax poetic. very desperate for any bit of commitment or stability after having very little throughout her life. tends to have a strict routine and stricter schedule because of this, any little thing she can do to rely on something (or someone) she will do, even if she is inherently independent to a worrying degree. 

reliable individual. she’s the woman you call at three in the morning because you need to be picked up outside a bar and you know she’ll answer on the third ring. is entirely the one you can rely on to let you sleep on her couch without notice. born on the 14th of february. definitely did not try to do an autopsy on herself. loves insect collecting. loves to paint — particularly enjoys painting portraits of those she cares for. enjoys writing poetry (it’s all about bugs, love, how bugs are like love, bugs in love, etc).  like bugs (particularly beetles), instrumental music — particularly piano and “lo-fi beats” (she calls them white noise). dislikes the dark, being in the woods, fish (was slapped in the face by a bass when she was little).

prefers being called ‘nerv’ and will never introduce herself as maeve—she doesn’t hate the name, those close to her can even use it, but she doesn’t ‘identify with it’ as she says.  ever been wooed by someone saying ‘when we’re both dead and insects come to devour us, I'll be delighted to know I'm eaten by the same beetles as you’? would you like to be? surprisingly someone you could describe as a ‘lover’ quite easily as she’s never one to shy away from expressing affection or interest. merv was inspired by the concept of a lamb to slaughter <3. she’s your dog <3 she wants to be your dog so bad <3

moodboard. other moodboard. playlist.


what many would deem an ‘odd’ individual, merv is not one to sugarcoat or beat around the bush—she means what she says and you’ll scarcely find her trying to avoid doing so, regardless of this, though, she is not an insensitive woman. she can read a room with an effortless precision and knows when to hold her tongue (unless, of course, she’s prompted not to) as she never intends to hurt another’s feelings… it just so happens that she has a knack for being able to. but it’s not only this forthright manner in which she approaches others that leaves a little peculiar flavor in the mouths of those who meet her; merv is unapologetically morbid, a result of her line of work - no doubt - desensitized to the concept of death and mesmerized by the stories that a body itself can tell, she never shies away from discussing such topics like identifying cause of death in various stages of decay or what type of bugs are usually found during these stages. of course, she’s observant enough to know who may be able to stomach the discussions or not but it doesn’t mean she won’t find other ‘tamer’ facts to share.

much to the surprise of many as for merv - initially - seems to be quite the nervous, jittery, and wavering individual, she’s a certainly bold presence that embodies the phrase knows what she wants and knows how to get it terribly well. as a result, she’s easily an overpowering individual to speak with and be around and she cares little to tamp down these aspects of herself so she comes across as more palatable. 

for all her sharp edges, though, merv is a very soft woman when you can endure her less than favorable initial disposition. you’ll find few who are so doggedly devoted as her. due mostly to her sour upbringing, when someone dares to learn her, merv will fold—turn to mush, the proverbial putty in your hands, willing to lean into any touch so as long as she’s being touched; willing to fawn over any words so long as they’re words for her and her alone.