
6 years, 12 days ago





Charisma★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Kindness★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Integrity☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Caution☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Intelligence★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ 


Height5' 1"
AlignmentChaotic Neutrel



Carin was the youngest sibling of 3. While hearing of her older siblings adventures, Carin learned about magic and found passion in learning about spells and potions. She saw that her family was intrigued by magic, though they did not seem to care when she stated she was going to become a strong sorcerer. Her family gave more attention to her older siblings because they were smart,strong, and more of a will to go out leaving and accomplish something which lead her parents to baby her and let her believe in the fantasies she had conjured since they did not believe Carin could really go out and do anything grand with her life.  She was not athletic, unapproachable outside of her family, and let her imagination get the best of her.

As Carin grew older they believed they could one day be gifted magic as their siblings were given gifts from their adventures. They hoped that with magic, finally she could stopped being looked down on. Once she found out that she could not be given magic because she did not deserve it and was not worthy of magic, it broke her. Everything she had believed as a child was only a lie that her parents kept feeding her. Only being able to retain information well and lacking in everything else, Carin had no idea what to do with her life and refused to be at home forever and began to grow an unhealthy obsession with trying to create magic of her own. Not realizing that because her parents kept telling her she could do it all if she just put enough effort she became relentless and would do anything to get what she wanted. After doing enough research she comes across an alchemist school that she decides to attend using money she made from fake concoctions and stealing from her parents. 

As she was attending school she learned that most people with magic were just given to them and they didnt have to work as hard as she has worked to get to where she wanted to be.  Carin grew to hate people with magic since she didnt think it was fair. She had begun used her own potions on herself and began to lose the girl who enjoyed to dream and learn about all sorts of things because she craved becoming more powerful with her own creations than something that was handed down. 

Coming home from school with mysterious limbs and organs from creaturess she collected, she began to be less and less as the Carin she once was, her parents were very afraid of what she had become. She would not care if people were harmed in the process or even putting her life on the line for her potions. After making something that had slowed down the heart enough to put her into sleep for a few days making everyone believe she was dead, she had woken up laughing knowing that her potion was a success. Her parents could not handle taking care of her anymore and kicked her out before she did anything to them. As she wandered to continue creating potions, she had hated what she looked like because she no longer felt as her appearance. She cuts her hair short and decides to wear an outfit more appropriate for what she is doing. Carin drops her name and changes it to H and get rid of everything they once were. They are now H and that is it. They continue to adventure to create potions and become a deadly alchemist.

THE TOO LONG I DONT FEEL LIKE READING VERSION: Carin wanted to become a powerful sorcerer. After finding out they were not chosen to become a sorcerer they pick up alchemy to prove that they could make their own magic to spite other magic users. They decides to name themselves H just because they thought it would be cooler than Carin, also at this point Carin is dead, only H lives now.


  • Nagini the Snake
  • Two
  • Three
  • Four
  • Five


  • absolutely everyone
  • Two
  • Three
  • Four
  • Five


  • One
  • Two
  • Three
  • Four