


1 year, 23 days ago



Name Pirippi
Role Pierrot
Cirque Formalin Circus
Location U.K.
Weapons Knife & Silk

❝ ...Hmph.❞

A pierrot who recently joined in a mysterious circus.

He is obsessed with the ringmaster to a concerning point.


  • The Ringmaster
  • HER
  • Creatures/Animals
  • High Places


  • THEM.
  • Failure.



He's quite mean outwardly. He doesn't talk much after joining the circus and can usually only be seen speaking verbally to the Ringmaster or THEM, whom he speaks to in abundance. He is only really friendly to the Ringmaster, HER, and the circus creatures. Pirippi doesn't express very extreme emotions. His most firm expression is an angry frown with grit teeth. He usually only pulls this face when someone's gotten in his way or he's fed up with THEM.


He performs most tasks under THEM and tries in any way to get praise from the Ringmaster. If that praise is directed elsewhere, however... He refuses to harm most creatures, the Ringmaster, HER, and THEM. He would probably attack THEM for making him do things he doesn't want or punishing him, if only THEY weren't so powerful.

His first human victim was the main trapeze: Rose Maré. He stabbed her in the chest a singular time, pushing with the full force of his body. It's rumored that the blood spray from hitting an artery looked like a bouquet of roses.

Pirippi rarely takes trips outside, but when he does, he tends to sit on the top of the circus tent or on other high nearby places. He used to be friendly (?) and happy (?) once. Was he ? It's difficult to really tell....


Pre-circ, he was just a fairly normal boy in an average town. When the Formalin Circus came to his area, he was absolutely awestruck by the Ringmaster. He looked up to and idolized him. Ironically, he never actually saw a performance by the troupe before joining. He met the Ringmaster while he was atop a building, and they would repeatedly run into each other from there on. When the notice of the circus leaving to travel to another area was posted, Pirippi went out of his way to visit the tent in order to hopefully see the Ringmaster one last time.

That's when he met THEM, and was offered a deal that would haunt him for a lifetime.



  • His eyes are gray, not blue.
  • Prior to meeting THEM, he was said to have brownish eyes and hair.
  • His primary weapons are a throwing knife and performance silk.