


5 years, 10 months ago





"Ah! O-oh, it's only you. Forgive me, my mind was elsewhere..."

  • BIRTHDAY Unknown
  • RACE Half Elf-Half Siren
  • HEIGHT 5'7"
  • WEIGHT Unknown
  • VOICE Unknown
  • THEME Unknown

Something just happened


Soft-spoken, mild-mannered, and blessed with magical abilities uncommon for someone of her blood, the youngest princess is a solemn young woman with many mysteries circulating around her. Rubellynn appears serene and graceful, maintaining a polite yet avoidant distance from others. She's known to be the most unapproachable one of her family, which is furthered by her reserved behavior and the rumors of death and misfortune that have always been linked to her birth. She is used to being lied to and is used to staying silent to survive, so she remains silent and is always searching for some discrepancy within one’s words and actions. Years of being looked down upon and labeled because of her birth have made the princess strive to reach expectations she feels are appropriate for her. Even against the continuous criticisms, she perseveres. Despite initially seeming aloof, she genuinely wishes she could connect with the people she cares most for and not feel so guarded all the time, however awkward her attempts at this goal may be. She can also be quite playful, curious and imaginative, tending to live in her head a little too much. She delights in knowing more about those close to her, enjoying humor and dancing, and has a penchant for culture. Due to her self imposed discipline, she normally enjoys things humbly, even if she's excited. The death of her mother and the missing links in her memory are the reasons for the deep feeling of listlessness and inner sadness within the princess. This sense of emptiness and the traumas associated with her memories are believed to be the cause to the princess's sleepwalking and frequent night terrors. As a result, she is not a morning person and usually wakes up very late into the day.

She’s surprisingly able to hold a grudge for an extremely long time and can easily become very vengeful. She distances herself from situations that cannot be clearly judged as she admits that her bias is something that even she cannot put aside when it comes to making correct judgments. She was often depressed in her youth due to the alienation of both her family memebers and those within the kingdom. Most connections she's had ultimately fell through as people around her either died or were too old to want to deal with a child that struggled to meet the standards of society. Seen as feeble minded, the princess chose to remain close to very few individuals, rarely interacting with other people on her own. The youngest princess is especially critical when it comes to her own shortcomings, let alone her existence. She may not look it, but she tends to think negatively, especially about herself. Any comments made about her are usually seen as an attack on her character and sometimes could be taken a little personally.She was often depressed in her youth due to the alienation of both her family memebers and those within the kingdom. Most connections she's had ultimately fell through as people around her either died or were too old to want to deal with a child that struggled to meet the standards of society. Seen as feeble minded, the princess chose to remain close to very few individuals, rarely interacting with other people on her own.

  • Unknown
  • The sound of chimes
  • Storytelling
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Lies and Half-truths
  • Unknown
  • Gardening: She enjoys
  • FISHING: Donec ac ullamcorper tellus. Sed vitae turpis a arcu scelerisque consectetur eu ac leo. Etiam et sollicitudin justo.
  • HOBBY:
  • HABIT: Describe habit here. This box will scroll.
  • HABIT: Donec ac ullamcorper tellus. Sed vitae turpis a arcu scelerisque consectetur eu ac leo. Etiam et sollicitudin justo.
  • HABIT: Pellentesque egestas, risus in volutpat rutrum, magna leo mattis metus, et auctor leo arcu id lorem. Cras ac sodales magna.
  • STRENGTH: Describe strength here. This box will scroll.
  • STRENGTH: Donec ac ullamcorper tellus. Sed vitae turpis a arcu scelerisque consectetur eu ac leo. Etiam et sollicitudin justo.
  • STRENGTH: Pellentesque egestas, risus in volutpat rutrum, magna leo mattis metus, et auctor leo arcu id lorem. Cras ac sodales magna.
  • WEAKNESS: Describe weakness here. This box will scroll.
  • WEAKNESS: Donec ac ullamcorper tellus. Sed vitae turpis a arcu scelerisque consectetur eu ac leo. Etiam et sollicitudin justo.
  • A: She is able to see at night and is able to breathe underwater.
  • MIMICRY: Due to her extreme vocal range, she is able to mimic any individual's voice.
  • NIGHT VISION: She is able to see at night and in other low-light conditions.
  • MAGIC: Her magical abilities are mostly linked to enchantment and the hightening of her senses. These abilities are incantations, hypnotism, revitalation, sound manipulation , and Minor Air Manipulation.
  • SKILL: Pellentesque egestas, risus in volutpat rutrum, magna leo mattis metus, et auctor leo arcu id lorem. Cras ac sodales magna.
  • SKILL: Pellentesque egestas, risus in volutpat rutrum, magna leo mattis metus, et auctor leo arcu id lorem. Cras ac sodales magna.
  • Her singing voice has an ethreal softness to it, earning the claim to be hypnotizing. Her normal speaking voice also has this softness to it, but her overall tone of voice is rather flat.
  • Rubellynn's ears and gills are always hidden by her hair unless rigious action is done or it's tied up. Her ears aren't big and are floppy. They, along with her gills, move somewhat depending on the emotion she's feeling at the moment
  • Pellentesque egestas, risus in volutpat rutrum, magna leo mattis metus, et auctor leo arcu id lorem. Cras ac sodales magna.

Describe your character's childhood here. This box will scroll. Clicking on the other headers (buttons) will expand/ collapse them.

Donec pellentesque quam urna. Vestibulum pretium orci nec risus cursus scelerisque. Sed congue, eros pharetra porta hendrerit, nisi arcu tincidunt velit, at blandit tellus purus in purus. Mauris at blandit turpis. Donec id ex quis nulla venenatis vehicula in et libero. Quisque nec velit quis est posuere pharetra gravida ut purus. Aenean volutpat ligula ligula, ut convallis quam ultricies ut.

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Quisque a fermentum lacus, vitae tempor nibh. Mauris blandit tristique orci, quis luctus mauris mattis faucibus. Vivamus semper purus non sapien feugiat interdum. Quisque sed tortor at elit consequat vulputate in at turpis. Proin iaculis mi est, quis feugiat dui sollicitudin molestie. Nunc porttitor a metus non auctor.

Describe your character's teenage years here. This box will scroll. Clicking on the other headers (buttons) will expand/ collapse them.

Donec pellentesque quam urna. Vestibulum pretium orci nec risus cursus scelerisque. Sed congue, eros pharetra porta hendrerit, nisi arcu tincidunt velit, at blandit tellus purus in purus. Mauris at blandit turpis. Donec id ex quis nulla venenatis vehicula in et libero. Quisque nec velit quis est posuere pharetra gravida ut purus. Aenean volutpat ligula ligula, ut convallis quam ultricies ut.

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Quisque a fermentum lacus, vitae tempor nibh. Mauris blandit tristique orci, quis luctus mauris mattis faucibus. Vivamus semper purus non sapien feugiat interdum. Quisque sed tortor at elit consequat vulputate in at turpis. Proin iaculis mi est, quis feugiat dui sollicitudin molestie. Nunc porttitor a metus non auctor.

Describe your character's adulthood here. This box will scroll. Clicking on the other headers (buttons) will expand/ collapse them.

Donec pellentesque quam urna. Vestibulum pretium orci nec risus cursus scelerisque. Sed congue, eros pharetra porta hendrerit, nisi arcu tincidunt velit, at blandit tellus purus in purus. Mauris at blandit turpis. Donec id ex quis nulla venenatis vehicula in et libero. Quisque nec velit quis est posuere pharetra gravida ut purus. Aenean volutpat ligula ligula, ut convallis quam ultricies ut.

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Quisque a fermentum lacus, vitae tempor nibh. Mauris blandit tristique orci, quis luctus mauris mattis faucibus. Vivamus semper purus non sapien feugiat interdum. Quisque sed tortor at elit consequat vulputate in at turpis. Proin iaculis mi est, quis feugiat dui sollicitudin molestie. Nunc porttitor a metus non auctor.


Describe the character's relationship here. This section will not scroll. Duis mollis ligula purus, sed hendrerit sem imperdiet ut. In ac neque molestie, rhoncus eros eget, eleifend risus. Nullam volutpat sodales magna, at finibus metus imperdiet sit amet. Sed porta diam et quam ornare, sit amet pulvinar magna condimentum. Nam porttitor feugiat dictum. Morbi sit amet vulputate risus. Nullam varius vitae ante in ultricies. Fusce diam tellus, pretium nec tincidunt nec, venenatis ut ante. Nam eget consequat est. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse finibus purus augue, tristique cursus est sollicitudin maximus. Duis sed leo enim. Sed sed ullamcorper ex. Ut ornare purus eu magna sollicitudin, in lacinia elit volutpat.


Describe the character's relationship here. This section will not scroll. Duis mollis ligula purus, sed hendrerit sem imperdiet ut. In ac neque molestie, rhoncus eros eget, eleifend risus. Nullam volutpat sodales magna, at finibus metus imperdiet sit amet. Sed porta diam et quam ornare, sit amet pulvinar magna condimentum. Nam porttitor feugiat dictum. Morbi sit amet vulputate risus. Nullam varius vitae ante in ultricies. Fusce diam tellus, pretium nec tincidunt nec, venenatis ut ante. Nam eget consequat est. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse finibus purus augue, tristique cursus est sollicitudin maximus. Duis sed leo enim. Sed sed ullamcorper ex. Ut ornare purus eu magna sollicitudin, in lacinia elit volutpat.


Describe the character's relationship here. This section will not scroll. Duis mollis ligula purus, sed hendrerit sem imperdiet ut. In ac neque molestie, rhoncus eros eget, eleifend risus. Nullam volutpat sodales magna, at finibus metus imperdiet sit amet. Sed porta diam et quam ornare, sit amet pulvinar magna condimentum. Nam porttitor feugiat dictum. Morbi sit amet vulputate risus. Nullam varius vitae ante in ultricies. Fusce diam tellus, pretium nec tincidunt nec, venenatis ut ante. Nam eget consequat est. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse finibus purus augue, tristique cursus est sollicitudin maximus. Duis sed leo enim. Sed sed ullamcorper ex. Ut ornare purus eu magna sollicitudin, in lacinia elit volutpat.


Describe the character's relationship here. This section will not scroll. Duis mollis ligula purus, sed hendrerit sem imperdiet ut. In ac neque molestie, rhoncus eros eget, eleifend risus. Nullam volutpat sodales magna, at finibus metus imperdiet sit amet. Sed porta diam et quam ornare, sit amet pulvinar magna condimentum. Nam porttitor feugiat dictum. Morbi sit amet vulputate risus. Nullam varius vitae ante in ultricies. Fusce diam tellus, pretium nec tincidunt nec, venenatis ut ante. Nam eget consequat est. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse finibus purus augue, tristique cursus est sollicitudin maximus. Duis sed leo enim. Sed sed ullamcorper ex. Ut ornare purus eu magna sollicitudin, in lacinia elit volutpat.


Describe the character's relationship here. This section will not scroll. Duis mollis ligula purus, sed hendrerit sem imperdiet ut. In ac neque molestie, rhoncus eros eget, eleifend risus. Nullam volutpat sodales magna, at finibus metus imperdiet sit amet. Sed porta diam et quam ornare, sit amet pulvinar magna condimentum. Nam porttitor feugiat dictum. Morbi sit amet vulputate risus. Nullam varius vitae ante in ultricies. Fusce diam tellus, pretium nec tincidunt nec, venenatis ut ante. Nam eget consequat est. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse finibus purus augue, tristique cursus est sollicitudin maximus. Duis sed leo enim. Sed sed ullamcorper ex. Ut ornare purus eu magna sollicitudin, in lacinia elit volutpat.


Describe the character's relationship here. This section will not scroll. Duis mollis ligula purus, sed hendrerit sem imperdiet ut. In ac neque molestie, rhoncus eros eget, eleifend risus. Nullam volutpat sodales magna, at finibus metus imperdiet sit amet. Sed porta diam et quam ornare, sit amet pulvinar magna condimentum. Nam porttitor feugiat dictum. Morbi sit amet vulputate risus. Nullam varius vitae ante in ultricies. Fusce diam tellus, pretium nec tincidunt nec, venenatis ut ante. Nam eget consequat est. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse finibus purus augue, tristique cursus est sollicitudin maximus. Duis sed leo enim. Sed sed ullamcorper ex. Ut ornare purus eu magna sollicitudin, in lacinia elit volutpat.


Describe the character's relationship here. This section will not scroll. Duis mollis ligula purus, sed hendrerit sem imperdiet ut. In ac neque molestie, rhoncus eros eget, eleifend risus. Nullam volutpat sodales magna, at finibus metus imperdiet sit amet. Sed porta diam et quam ornare, sit amet pulvinar magna condimentum. Nam porttitor feugiat dictum. Morbi sit amet vulputate risus. Nullam varius vitae ante in ultricies. Fusce diam tellus, pretium nec tincidunt nec, venenatis ut ante. Nam eget consequat est. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse finibus purus augue, tristique cursus est sollicitudin maximus. Duis sed leo enim. Sed sed ullamcorper ex. Ut ornare purus eu magna sollicitudin, in lacinia elit volutpat.


Describe the character's relationship here. This section will not scroll. Duis mollis ligula purus, sed hendrerit sem imperdiet ut. In ac neque molestie, rhoncus eros eget, eleifend risus. Nullam volutpat sodales magna, at finibus metus imperdiet sit amet. Sed porta diam et quam ornare, sit amet pulvinar magna condimentum. Nam porttitor feugiat dictum. Morbi sit amet vulputate risus. Nullam varius vitae ante in ultricies. Fusce diam tellus, pretium nec tincidunt nec, venenatis ut ante. Nam eget consequat est. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse finibus purus augue, tristique cursus est sollicitudin maximus. Duis sed leo enim. Sed sed ullamcorper ex. Ut ornare purus eu magna sollicitudin, in lacinia elit volutpat.

Code by Aurorean