


9 months, 15 days ago

Basic Info


Deity of Retribution (Current) // Deity of Karma (Former/True identity)


very old, one of the first deities


Male (He/Him)


Haughty, sarcastic, lazy. A Deity who could care less about what is happening in the mortal realm, much less the mortals that inhabit it, anyways. He only ever shows his face when another deity calls upon him to punish humans. Because most of the deities are prideful and only crave praise and worship, they are often unwilling to besmirch themselves by personally handling humans that have annoyed them in some way. In this way, they call upon Ii'faealla to do the punishing for them, as he does not care, and they often give him great benefits and gifts afterwards. From this, the humans seem to heavily misunderstand his role in it all, calling him the deity of retribution, unaware that had he not been the one punishing them, the personal punishments of other gods would, in fact, be worse.


Deity, takes form of a dragon, a mortal, or a mix of both (as seen)


In his Mortal guise: 6'2 || As a dragontaur: ...massive. He's reaaaaal big. Probably a bit bigger than a blue whale ?? He can shrink to a more normal human size if he wanted to, though. || Dragon: even BIGGER idk what to compare for measurements LOL


His dragon scales are a soft pink with a golden shimmer to them!


VERY BRIEF SUMMARY: Known by the humans as the Deity of Retribution, in actuality, he is the Deity of Karma. Having been betrayed by his mortal beloved and sealed away, he bares resentment against mortal beings and no longer expends his power nor listens to prayers made. Instead, he's been known to purely punish mortals when called upon by other deities, which led him to being called the Deity of Retribution instead. He accepts this title, and finds it quite pleasing. He seems to have lost his true self, however. As those old enough to know, had once remembered him being the most kind and compassionate deity of them all.


  • He spends his days in the god realm sprawled out on a large smooth rock by the lake of immortality; basking in the peach blossom's permablooms.
  • Despite how he behaves now and how much it doesn't show, he actually cares quite a lot about the other deities, which is also one of the reasons he is fully willing to take the blame for them.
  • Simultaneously, nearly all of the other deities actually look down on ii'faealla, though they don't show it outright. However, ii'faealla is actually very much aware of this. He believes he deserves it for not listening to the other deities when warned against "truly loving" a mortal being, mentioning how he had spent too much time with the mortals. In the end, it all went horrifically for him, and so he raises no complaints despite their treatment of him.
  • Though his punishments can and are often incredibly cruel and painful, he only ever punished those directly involved, never once going outside of that standard. In this way, he is vastly different from the deities who used to mete out their own punishments, as they'd often go so far as inflicting suffering on the relatives and loved ones of those who are to be punished.