


9 months, 28 days ago


Modest Mouse
2:36 4:14

demon| transfem, she/her | high officer

as a former angel, Seere good with keeping order in such a chaotic community as Sin City of Hell. She's a reliable helper, a devoted worker and just a good person in general, despite her sad eyes and melancholic attitude.

The Downfall changed her character in more introverted tone, still she's up for her duty, as a High Officer of Hell. And still, she has some connections with H.E.A.V.E.N. Inc., she uses for her own goal.

  • books
  • small talks
  • honey scent
  • angels
  • god
  • aggressive demons

If God controls the land and disease, and keeps a watchful eye on me...

lawful neutral | istj | high empress
responsible hardworking reserved

At first sight, Seere might look a little bit cold and unfriendly, but she's an eternal creature, she's just tired of all that endless heaviness of the world and her own past burdens. In fact, if you know her better, she's quite a patient friend, allways ready to help with any kind of task. And you could rely on her: if she said she would do something, she would.

Her most bright trait is empathy. In fact, high empathy and readiness to sacrifice her own interests for someone's good was a reason of her Downfall. Yet, she doesn't lean to other demons by her nature, neither leaning toward angels. She just tries to stay alone, yet being unable to decline any request for help from anyone.


... if he's really so damn mighty, well, my problem is I can't see.

6' 2'' / 187 cm | relaxed | simple clothes

In previous "life" she had a perfectly white fur, but god's anger burnt not only her wings away. Time changed her paws into hooves, tender fingers to claws, and left her golden soul forever melted as a spot on her face and chest. Still, others find her quite a good-looking woman.

She's not used to wear officer's uniform, instead wearing simple clother and behaving as a simple low-rank demon. Though, she finds it more comfortable. Also, she prefers decorated with feathers tops, cause it reminds her of wings she had once.

Important Notes
  • Wingless
  • Red or golden eyes
  • Hooves, tail fur and spots are glossy

Well who would want to be?...

We lit a flame, just to watch it burn...
Before the Downfall

She used to serve at Power's rank, as some kind of heaven's officer, but her heart was with mortal kinds. That wasn't her job, but keeping in touch with heaven's CEO helped her to avoid a punishment for high emotion expressing. Until she realised, that it was a trap: High Seraphim Solomon was only testing her, and she failed her tasks, being banished from H.E.A.V.E.N.

She lost her wings that day. Her heart of pure gold was melted with a heaven's fire. But it wasn't the end of her story. just a begining of something new.

The deeper you go...

At first Rosemary, as she used to be called in H.E.A.V.E.N. wasn't friendly at all: she was reserved, aggressive and trusted noone. She declined any help and pretended to stay alone. But Hell, and especially it's main city, Sin City, were a pure chaos. And only person who was choosen as a head of Hell (after the Devil of course), was just a young hellhound, without any knowledge of order.

Rosemary's only idea was simple: she used to work as an order-keeper - she claimed that role even in her Downfall. And it worked great: she helped PJ, the helhound mayor, to build a system of rules and mechanisms of their keeping, and got her new name: High Officer Seere.

Still, she thought not only for Hell's order, but only had some plans on reforming H.E.A.V.E.N.; she only needed a good opportunity to turn her plan into action...

Who would want to be such a control freak?

And if i can't make it right, then i won't make it worse...

ex-partner, ex-colleague

She trusted Solomon with all her heart opened and vulnerable, and they stabbed her right in a back, proving, they're only devotet to Heaven's Rules, not to sincere emotions and true love. A shame, cause they meant so much for Rosemary.



At first, Seere thought of Jesus as of stubborn and naive kid, gifted with a great power. But she's seen a true person behind her. And accepted PJ as her leader later, still helping her with any problems. Still, she keeps PJ on some distance: bitter experience of befriending her bosses.



Seere absolutely adores him. She spend lots of her time in Archives by his side. And she really wants to and helps him to become braver and stronger.