Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

DNI: bigots, terfs, zionists, minors, "mspec lesbians" and their supporters, anyone who engages with and/or creates content related to incest/bestiality/csem/non-consensual acts.
if you happen to fall underneath these categories and I've faved/offered on something of yours, quietly block and move on, thanks.

content warnings are listed where applicable. general advisory for mature and/or heavy topics.
i use reclaimed slurs.

do not attempt to take heavy inspiration from any of the characters in my main folders - If i find that this has been done despite my advisory, i will block you. my characters mean a lot to me and i put a lot of time and effort into developing them. most, if not all of them, are forever homed.
light inspiration is fine. if you're unsure, you're welcome to contact me.

the only characters that may be offered on are found within the "for sale/trade" folder. any inquiries involving characters that are found elsewhere will not be responded to. i do not do pings/pinglists.
otherwise, free to leave comments! i like reading them.

Character Content Warning

This character profile has been marked with a content warning:

body horror, blood, liminal space, nyctophobia, ommetaphobia

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