Sprout's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

-You need to update your ownership in the #approved-designs channel and are required to be in the discord server to purchase them.

Species by Chioky, information, TOS and discord server can be found here: https://fpdspecies.carrd.co.

Kokytea Global Rules
Important: Im not responsible for whoever end owning my designs, once it's out of my hands it's not my problem. I'm not online 24/7, and I'm not responsible for checking every single account existent in the internet. There's stuff I would not have any clue of it happening since I have a family, pets and responsabilities outside the internet. These rules apply on full extent ONLY to one-off characters and partially to characters that belongs to Original Species, if the character in question is from a species (open or closed), then their TOS is the one that is first to follow in full extent, as my TOS and others TOS may be in conflict (ex: some species not allowing merch to be made, even if my TOS allows this, the rule from the species TOS that should be followed first). This is also valid for custom characters of species I work for as an artist, please check their TOS first, as that’s the one that should be followed mainly. Once you buy a design from me, be a pre-made character design, or a custom character design, you are free to do whatever you want with their design itself (change species,name,etc about that particular design), just you don't alter the original artwork that was given to you without asking me first, but if you need to do this, please tell me about this, i will have no problem if you need to change details, if it’s from one of my original species or the ones i mainly work for (FPD/Elusino/MS), i will ask you to make it different as possible because i don’t want problems with other species owners or people taking my work to make/pass it as their own. With this said, adding new restrictions or trying to restrict the liberties given by the original designer (Kokytea) in the TOS should be avoided, as this could cause problems with future owners of the design (ex: unable to change the design into something else ( and/or voiding ) / unable to use character to make merchandise and other goods / ETC.). Once the character is out of my hands and in the property of the new owner, I do not take responsibility for what happens to them or in what hands the character may end later. I can do small changes/add details to the character purchased if i have the PSD file still available, but you will be charged for that depending on the changes, i could also do changes to characters that don’t have it, but it depends on the change extent, ask first. You can resell/gift/trade them , so no need to ask if you want to sell it if you got bored or just want them resold. You can feel free to make merch and other things for them, I just would ask for the original art made by me (Kokytea) to not be used for that (unless the oc has some art made for those purposes, you can also feel free to ask about this).