Tachibana, Akane



8 years, 6 months ago


Tachibana, Akane

5' 6'' / 168cm

橘あかね // ta-chi-bah-nah・ah-kah-nay
Independent and a bit aloof, she can be really cute but more often is really scary (according to Masaru). Has friends in high places, her family is affluent in the ghoul world. A bit protective of Suoh, more protective of Masaru (even though Masaru is probably…definitely stronger than Suoh, armed at least). Has a habit (hobby?) of trying to make human meat imitate human snacks and seeing if she can get away with eating them in public; I.E. skin chips, “juice” boxes, meat cookies, etc. She knows she holds a grudge against investigators for killing her family, but isn’t really in to killing before they’ve done something by this time, so she just bullies them whenever she comes across them. They usually leave. In pieces. CCG Alias: Yousei (also gets called Red; was her mom's alias) Has strange nicknames for people she’s decided to keep in her life. Quietly wishes to be called Akkarin by some of them, but realizes it wouldn’t really fit coming from most people.

Paradise Lost

Akane lived a relatively happy and peaceful life for a good long while. Her mother was an SS-rank ghoul killed by the CCG along with her younger sister when she was 13 which gave her an intense distain of investigators (and humans in general). Grew close to her father and Suoh after, along with a girl her family took in who planted some interesting ideas about humans in her head.

A Giant Salamander

Akane was shocked upon finding Shii-chan, but eventually came to accept her and Masaru somehow. It's a big step for her who usually cuts down investigators without question.


  • eye lenses (her fav)
  • Tachibana tea
  • Suoh, Shii-chan, Masaru


  • thighs (too fatty)
  • the CCG
  • investigators

Design Notes

  • koukaku
  • S-rank
  • CCG Alias: Yousei (fairy)