


9 months, 29 days ago



Name Mullin
Called 'Master' by Neptune
Age 26 (human years)
Gender Male
Height About 1 metre (3.2 feet)
Build Average Wolf
Race Canis Lupis
Role Sorceror
Birthdate December 29th
Zodiac Capricorn
Theme Song link


  • Being left alone
  • Gathering Herbs
  • Sleeping
  • Reading


  • Birds Sounds
  • Getting Distracted
  • Difficult Spells
  • Other People


Spell Casting
Social Skills
Herb Gathering

Herb Gathering

Mullin has a wide knowledge on herbs, their effects, and what they do. He has found, with his own experinces, what herbs can do to anything biological...

Spell Casting

Mullin has a wide range of spells in his bookshelf, located in his room. He has memorized every spell, but hates to admit that he checks the spells because of self doubt. (Little side note: do NOT approach him and mention he's pink, it may be the last thing you say.)

Social Skills and Tolerance

Mullin has no social skills WHATSOEVER. He struggles with tolerance from the smallest of birds to the largest of thunderstorms. If anything, the thunderstorms should fear him but eh. His only friend is Neptune. Even through all the pain he has put him through, Neptune still tries to be his only friend.


Mullin's childhood was filled with neglect and pain, physically, emotionally and mentally. It started with the differences from him and his family. He was the runt of his litter, being a weird natural pinkish colour. He was neglected and bullied by his siblings and parents. They would glare at him and shove him on the ground. When he has at least 5 years of age, started to grow his speed and agilty. One day, his oldest sibling, Unki, started making painful retorts. Mullin then lunged at him, causing a huge, three claws, scar across his eye. He howled and his other two siblings lunged at Mullin. In a flash he ducked below them and swiped at one of their flanks. He screeched and ran. The other one backed away slowly and ran. Unki glared at him and howled for their parents. They both appeared and glared at Mullin. 'Leave, there is no place for you here anymore.'

Spell Casting Years

Mullin ran into the thick forest trees where he found a towering mansion. He crept into the mansion, tail between his legs. In there he found an old cat rocking on a wooden chair. Mullin introduced himself to the cat and asked. 'Can you teach me spellcasting?' The old cat stared at the young wolf wide eyed and smiled. 'Why of course.' Mullin trained with the old cat for 10 years until he was, as the old cat said, 'The most feared spell caster this universe had ever seen'. On a stormy night Mullin awoke to the sound of the old cat coughing. He crept into his room and fond him coughing hard. 'Are you ok?' Mullin asked his voice shaking with tiredness and worry. The old cat rasped. 'I'm dying, Mullin' Mullin was now fully awake and wide eyed. 'What!?' 'Listen' The cat rasped. 'Take my spell book, make yourself feared by the strongest warrior. Before you ask, I knew I was dying the moment I saw you walk through that door. You are the owner of this mansion.' 'But-' 'No! When you asked to be a spell caster, I saw you in a different way, you were strong and powerful. I believe it is my time. Goodbye, Mullin.' The cat took his final breath and Mullin grasped a jar and it seeped through. Mullin placed it on a shelf and sobbed until dawn lit the room.


Years later, he was stocking his herbs on a stormy night. Little did he know, his new servant would be walking through his doors, inviting himself in. He was outside herb gathering until dawn when he made his way back to the mansion. An hour later, a creature trespassed onto the mansion and Mullin knocked him out for further questioning.



Neptune Servant

Neptune is the creature that intruded the mansion that night and that morning, but he means no harm. He is now Mullin's AI robot servant. He is a kind but scared of the smallest shadows lil guy.


The Old Cat Mullin's Teacher (deceased)

Mullin was only close to the old cat as he was a kind and patient teacher. He himself was a powerful teacher, who had frequent visions, some about Mullin. Positive and Negative.


Unki Mullin's brother/bully

Mullin despised Unki with every part of his body. He was content with the scar across his eye and never regretted doing it.

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