


8 months, 9 days ago



Previous Names Duskpaw, Dusk
Residences RiverClan, Outskirts
Age 25 Moons
Gender She-cat
Rank Warrior
ALIGNMENT Chaotic Good
S.O. None

“Power resides where cats believe it resides. it's a trick, a shadow in the forest. a very small cat can cast a very large shadow.”


Dusklion is quite the character with an abundance of charisma. She isn't your typical cat. Loud, boisterous, and entirely and unapologetically herself, she thrives off of thrills and excitement and will seek them out (sometimes against better judgement). Among the first to speak her mind she doesn't back down and often lands herself in hot water because of her rather strong opinions. A fighter through and through, Dusklion will go to the ends of the earth for her beloved Clan and Clanmates - unless they're being mouse-brains; in which case she has no problem boxing in a few ears. 



Dusklion quite the character with an abundance of charisma. She isn't your typical cat. Loud, boisterous, and entirely and unapologetically herself, she thrives off of thrills and excitement and will seek them out (sometimes against better judgement). Among the first to speak her mind she doesn't back down and often lands herself in hot water because of her rather strong opinions. A fighter through and through, Dusklion will go to the ends of the earth for her beloved Clan and Clanmates - unless they're being mouse-brains; in which case she has no problem boxing in a few ears. 

Going paw in paw with this is her loyalty to RiverClan, which she puts above any and everything. Her Clan and their safety is what comes first and foremost. Ambition is not a new word to Dusk, and after the first moon or two being taken into RiverClan she had already set her sights on leadership after being told stories of the great former leader Lionstorm. Unapologetic about who and what she is, taking what she wants when she wants, she is often boisterous and loud about RiverClan's strength - and isn't afriad to put her teeth and claws where her words are to prove it.

Reliability is synonymous with Dusklion, as she always seems to be there when needed. Whether its helping apprentices with their training, fighting alongside her warriors on the front lines, or keeping up to date with camp repairs and expansions, she makes sure that she is among the groups in her Clan that need her the most.

Having been a rather domineering presence ever since she was born, assertiveness comes naturally to Dusklion who thrives off of leading others and guiding those who need it. She isn't afraid to go after what she wants, but always seems to do so in a way that comes across as charismatic - though there are moments when she lacks a way with words and can be rather blunt.

Belief in the afterlife, in StarClan and the Dark Forest, is something that Dusklion holds in her heart, but she does not rely on them. She looks to them for a few things but would much rather place her faith in the living cats that she can see and be around. Despite this, she is relentless in her pursuit of finding her idols.


  • She has an incredible fear of heights, which she plays off with her reckless nature
  • Her favorite season is leaf-fall because of all of the colors
  • Upon joining RiverClan, Dusk learned she is a natural swimmer


Fadingsun |  brother •

A pillar for Dusklion to look to, Fades is the one cat that Dusk trusts most in the entire world. He means everything to her, even when they're bickering.

Slatestripe |  former mentor •

One of the first cats to believe in her. Trained her well and Dusk holds a great amount of respect for him. Was disappointed to see him leave the Clan.

Warrior Cats Online (WCO)