


9 months, 25 days ago


Basic Info

Name:  Pupabel

Pronunciation:  [Pup-AH-bel]

Stars Title:  Thread Manipulation

Paradigm:   Devarian

Species: Height:  8ft/ 2.4 m

Sembla:  Thread

Pre-Brand Occupation:  Caretaker

Assigned Planet: Mercy Position: Angler 

Tether:  Isabella Benavides

Puppet:  Peresphone 

Voice Claim: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVZOOscV3Ww&t=19s&ab_channel=Anster



Pupabel was an odd strong headed sweet kraizen who had a love for jokes and her interest in art and puppetry, Many will agree that the devarian got along with anyone once they opened up, cracking jokes or lifting them up with some words of encouragement. The kraizen can be seen working in the Valziva in a nursey as some sort of entertainer, entertaining the tabazens with their skills on puppeteery. 

Pupabel may be a devarian who acts tough and bit...rough with others but deepdown, they are considered to be one of the most kindest and sweetest kwaiz anyone could meet, ask anyone, especailly a certain shadow kwaiz. 


In a rural area in an unknown planet, eons away from its home, lays a strange worn out 2 story home occupied by a strange duo. The duo was a young girl who seemed to have an annoyed look on her face most of the times & an older woman with jade green eyes and a wide smile. There was something off about the mother of this child, there was no shine or shine in its eyes, just pure black pupils, staring into your soul.

Pupabel's entire personalitly shifted after the brandshock hit, from a sweet kind kraizen turned into a flirtious vile vani who will lash out and get what she wants by using others to get what she wants. You can say she is the man behind the strings in this situation. But, deepdown, she is an angry lonely spirit who mask her feelings with this fake identity and pushes everyone that try reaching out. 


Unknown Family: Doesnt have any memories or any details about her birth family, wishes her siblings well after being seperated from adoption.

Unamed Beltasian & Unamed Devarian Caretakers: Loves them dearly & got both traits when growing up, very supportive and adored by. Spoiled most of the time by both caregivers

Unamed Boss: Sees them as a parental figure as well,sort of a cool aunt or uncle vibe.

Neliotte: Her bestfriend, The duo are extremely close & known eachother since tabazens. Hopes theyre doing well & not dead. 

