


5 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info




Immortal - Usually appears between the ages of 10 and 16


Goddess (With mermaid and dwarf quirks)

Sphere of Influence

Dreams and Nightmares


Cassie is the Goddess of Dreams and Nightmares.

She is quite shy and not good at socializing at all, especially in the waking world.
She spends most of her time in the world of dreams where the dream nymphs live.
She can easily enter anyone's dream world whenever she likes and manipulate them. She is often hired by the Gods of Prophecy to give prophetic dreams to select people.

She was born to the gods Alura and Alex when in mortal shells causing her to not be as fluid as the other gods. She has mermaid like scales on her legs and mermaid nubs on her ears that she cannot change no matter what type of form she tries to take. She is also always quite short.

She grew up in the dream world with nobody but the dream nymphs to care for her as her parents' mortal shells were killed when she was a baby leaving her alone and she retreated to where she thought would be safe.

Her social skills were always pretty bad because of not interacting with people in the waking world but it became worse when she met her older siblings, the Gods of the Elements, and they rejected her, making fun of her "faults" and saying she was not their real sister as she was born to mortal shells of their parents. As a result she constantly hides them and retreated further into herself. She only seems to freely interact with the dream nymphs.

She often visits the dreams of the various mortal shells of her parents, they remember her in their dreams though they must forget when they awaken. She finds comfort in them.