Solstice of Summers's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Cannot be transferred for any reason.

Design Terms of Use

piinemartens Global Rules

  • Do not trace, heavily reference, or claim my designs as your own.
  • You may redesign my designs, as long as you still keep it recognizable, and you still have to credit me as the original designer.
  • You can colorpick the designs, as no one owns colors. However, do not heavily reference my designs.
  • If you are racist, homophobic, sexist, ableist, transphobic, don't support BLM, support MAP'S/P*dophiles, or just a bigot in general, do not request art or design trades from me, do not use my bases, and do not participate in any of my adopts or interact with me.
  • If I find out that you are a bigot/a problematic or you did something nsfw with my work, you are permanently blacklisted from art stuff I do. While you still can keep any designs you own before your blacklist, you are banned from getting any future designs from me.