
9 months, 20 days ago


A friendly fire genasi who looks more human with fire always around her like a boa scarf (lol).
Loves to eat, generally air headed, goes with the flow and may do questionable things if it seems like they could make a bit of gold or find something interesting. Sometimes very grounded though when the time calls; can think critically. Tends to spend more time with her racoon companion than any of the others. 

Not very well versed in romantic situations and such, so she cannot give the best advice for those things. 

Comes from an island near the mainland and raised by her mother. Her father has been missing since even before her birth, so she's never known him.  

Traveling companions and friends include a 3 foot racoon who has a thing for rocks, stealing, and is very clean. A tabaxi who enjoys fighting but is a sweet heart and very childish. A kitsune who is older than everyone combined but she is still naive about love and many things, and is a strong sorcerer with multiple forms. A warforged warlock who is very pragmatic and awkward. A tae cleric who is soft spoken, shy but very kind and wins the friendship of many. 

Although she carries around a polearm/spear, she is not proficient with it and ends up using her spells more than anything, or her two small daggers if she wishes to use a weapon. 

Despite her spells being charisma based, she is not the most confident or charismatic. She can be awkward and not sure how to act in certain situations, usually letting others lead unless she feels like stepping up.