


8 months, 27 days ago



  • NAME Morinth Secord

  • PRONOUNS she/her

  • GENDER 47869252_ktgWjtHTeKq8JCT.png

  • ORIENTATION 47868907_Mf97qgYAbuJqZIb.png

  • AGE 28

  • HEIGHT 5'9

  • SPECIES Human

  • Title Epic Rhythm Gamer



Background: Born and raised on a reserve, Morinth was always pushed by her family to work towards a brighter and feasible future; mostly at the expense of her dream. She wanted to be dancer, but ended up abandoning that dream to appease her family. Now she works two jobs to make ends meet.

Personality: Not exactly shy but not exactly extroverted, she has her moments where conversating with others comes easy, but pushing herself out of her boundaries is insanely difficult. She's content in the bare minimum, and doesn't push herself to be number one. She hasn't had much of a reason to excel in anything after living by herself. When she does, she can be an intense player that will push herself to the absolute limit to win.

Story: One day, Morinth decided to visit Club Enigma to slowly ease herself back in to the rave culture she has grown to love in her teen years. What started out as a slow, peaceful night turned into a catastrophic nightmare when Morinth is chosen to play the Dancer Death Rush. Not having danced properly [in front of hundreds of people no less] in years, Morinth was convinced she was going to die right then and there. To her surprise, she doesn't. Lesbian shenanigans ensure.

  • Morinth's name was stolen from a Mass Effect character that loved dark techno music.
  • She loves a lot of hardcore techno.
  • Probably knows every rhythm game known to man. Her first game was Love Live.
  • Her favorite vocaloids are Miku and Gakupo.
  • She's Native American! She hails from the Iroquois Tribe [or my universe equivalent].
  • Morinth is pretty new to HRT/transitioning. When Dancer Death Rush happens, she would only be two months into taking estrogen.



Sabs Bunny


Morinth was thrown into Sabs' Dancer DeathRush out of pure chance. After winning it, she has found herself drawn to the thrill that Sabs provides. Now she comes back to Club Enigma whenever she can to challenge Sabs to another dance. How far can she push herself?




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