


8 months, 6 days ago


I’ll make this bio coherent one day I swear

-Born into an elite merchant family. He was one of those rich, spoiled kids growing up. His parents forced him to be very proper, strait-laced, and businesslike as a kid.

-He was best friends with Spencer when they were growing up. Spencer was the polar opposite of Henry: homeless, adventurous, and rebellious. Henry admired his bravery, and wished he could be as free-spirited as his friend. 

-Behind his parents back, Henry would give Spencer money. Both to provide him with basic needs and to help him save up for his dream of becoming a pirate.

-When Spencer and his brother Scoundrel became pirate captains, Henry was the first person they recruited for their crew. Henry knew his parents would never allow him to become some “nasty sea thief”. They made their hatred for pirates very clear. But Henry was sick of living their uptight lifestyle, so he ran away to join Spencer’s crew anyway.

-Does he regret his choices? Maybe. He kind of sucks at being a pirate. He has moral issues with stealing, faints at the sight of blood, and can’t fight for shit. He’s anxious af too so usually he just paces the ship, worrying about some thing or another. 

-He’s trying his best to adapt to a pirate lifestyle, but it’s very different than the sheltered upbringing he had. He’ll figure it out. Eventually