


9 months, 15 days ago


70146078_8OzzTr7yOTmtKuA.jpgMorrigan is an earth genasi grave cleric who is a part of the adventuring party The Anomalies. She worships the moon goddess Emes and is currently level 4. Their objective is to find out where the source of recent cases of lycanthropy have been coming from and to help put a stop to it. She was called by her goddess to help end it, along with wanting to protect her wife Solana and son Perrin. They live at a temple where she and her wife work as undertakers, funeral directors, and groundskeepers. She is a little odd and can be kind of creepy initially. She is very wise but will not hesitate to casually bring up your mortality regardless of if you’d like to talk about it. It’s a hard habit to kick after it being her job for so long. She’s very kind and wants to take a motherly role with most people that she likes. She is mostly laid back and goes with the flow.

Look up at the moon…


NAME Morrigan Aarden
NICKNAME(S) Star, Momma
AGE 26
CLASS Grave Cleric
RACE Earth Genasi
JOB Undertaker, funeral director, groundskeeper, mother



  • Her design is based on a mossy tombstone. She has patches of lichen and moss on her granite-patterned skin.
  • Her design is unnecessarily complicated, I am sorry for your sake and mine. If you are drawing it, you can simplify her body into 3 colors: a base light gray, a darker gray lichen/granite pattern, and a green moss. The procreate brushes I use are on her reference sheet but please, feel free to simplify her or morph her design slightly to better fit your style! I will not be mad if she is not perfectly on-model.
  • Her irises and pupils are both slightly different shades of light gray - she looks a little creepy because of it.
  • The moss on her face has little speckles of light green evocative of freckles.
  • She is wearing a wedding gold wedding ring with a sun on it, doesn’t need to be detailed just a gold band in the drawing is fine.
  • She is not LITERALLY made of stone, but she kind of is. Her skin is stony and hard, but it is warm and has a bit of a “give” if you push it. If you cut her, she bleeds red like everyone else. The moss and lichen are literally moss and lichen that she encourages to grow on her, though, they are not a part of her body.
  • You can draw her in her normal dress unless armor is specified or you prefer drawing the armor. Same thing with props like her mace or shield, only if requested or you’d prefer it.
  • Moon and star motifs are her thing, suns are her wife’s.


  • Carving/stonework
  • Night time
  • Family
  • Gardening/plants
  • Fireflies


  • Alcohol
  • Helplessness
  • Lying, personally
  • Overstimulation


  • She lived very near a temple from the time she was around ten to nineteen, and has been living full time in a different one since she was twenty-one.
  • She is bisexual; her boyfriend left when he found she was pregnant, and she married Solana shortly after her son was born.
  • She is really good at carving stone and making stone sculptures. She makes all of the headstones for funerals that she does.


Morrigan Hill was born to a simple family near Roiforet to loving parents Gaia and Shale. She had one older sister, Dana, who was much older than her. She mostly grew up as an only child, despite having a large extended family that lived near her. She was raised during a period of famine, attacks, and hardship, so she had to struggle for all that her family had. Death was common in her village and she attended funerals nearly as often as birthdays. Raids by monsters and beasts were common, and she had to pick up a club more often than not before her tenth birthday. She never enjoyed it, but it was a necessity. Many of her aunts, uncles, cousins and friends passed away when she was a child and she helped her family bury them and give them their final rites as all family members did. Far from being disturbed by this, as many children around her were, she treated the job with reverence and respect. She had always been connected with nighttime, often staying up late and sneaking out of doors to catch a glimpse of the moon. Her parents realized from an early age that she may have a higher calling for this sort of thing and encouraged her worship of Emes, the goddess of the moon. She worked closely with her local church and blossomed into a beautiful young girl, the envy of many for her grace and beauty. However, despite her intense love for caring for the earth and tending the graveyard where she lived, she was also nieve and bursting to the seams with love for the first young suitor that came her way. Ornyth was an earth genasi like her, beautiful and seemingly carved from exquisite marble. He swept her off her feet and she quickly packed up her life to move away with him. She was lured with promises of seeing beautiful lands beyond her hometown and exploring the glorious creation the world could offer. She followed Ornyth like a puppy, yearning for marriage and a family with him which he promised when they finally settled down. They tracked all over the country, Ornyth traveling as a peddler and thief. Morrigan was having a harder and harder time putting up with him as his walls fell and his true self started to show. She developed a drinking problem to deal with her reality. He was mean, often restricting her access to basic supplies and making fun of her worship, and then he was wonderful, making up and apologizing for his outbursts. She was never stupid, only full of love. One day, while they were traveling in Rimus, Morrigan had enough. She threw out the ultimatum that if they did not marry and have a child as soon as possible that she would leave and dedicate her life to her god once again. He agreed, and they took up residence in a small house. She found herself with child, successfully sober, and she was happier than she had ever been. He was on his best behavior, acting wonderful and evidently planning a wedding for the near future. Until… he wasn’t. One morning, she woke to all of her valuables missing and a note explaining that Ornyth was not ready to be a father. He had left. Ashamed, pregnant, and far from home, Morrigan sought refuge at the nearest temple to Emes. They welcomed her with open arms and allowed her to work tending the graveyard, comforting grieving families and organizing funerals as she did when she was a child. There at the temple she met Solana, who she felt a kinship with. Solana had fled an abusive family and sought refuge just as she had,so they bonded over shared hardships but also shared interests and fascination with one-another. Solana provided support and offered to let Morrigan stay at her small cabin on the edge of the temple grounds, near the graveyard. By the time Morrigan’s son was born, the women were smitten with one-another. They doted on each other constantly and shared the task of raising little baby Perrin. They less soon after and she has been living in domestic bliss for over 4 years in this way. Unfortunately, she had a dream where Emes called her to join the fight against lycanthropy in the area. She wasn’t going to sit by and watch what happened to her as a child happen to her community and family, and she wanted to help as many people as possible. Solana, though worried, proudly waits for her return along with Perrin.



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