


9 months, 5 days ago

Basic Info




He/Him (Transmasc)


Centuries; he's lost count. He died when he was 26.




It Tore Your Heart Out - Dirt Poor Robins


King of Swords


WEAPONS: Condemn Slashers OR Leech Dual Pistols
SPELLS: Chaos Volley, Spectral Wolf, Death Knight, Lightning Curtain
BLOOD: Scholar OR Rogue


"Where knowledge lies, so does all of the power one could ever want."

Lycidas, the walking statue. The vampire with the long mauve hair and piercing green eyes was never known to smile. After all, what is there to be happy about when the world has branded you the villain of the story? Donning a gas mask and arming himself with slashers, he shows no mercy to those who are foolish to believe in the Church's dishonest lies. He'll really give them something to fear.

personality — "Don't waste my time. I've got better things to do."

Dramatic - Persuasive - Stubborn - Cold - Resentful

  • Lycidas's outward persona emits the energy of a lone wolf, he knows strength lies in numbers. Teaming up with others for survival is how you survive and thrive. He'll complain about it the whole time, though.
  • He's got a tough shell to crack. It's possible to get him to be vulnerable, but you'll be hard-pressed to find the way how to do it.
  • His library is his most prized collection. Hundreds of novels are sorted by publishing date as he researches what the world has come to in the vampires' absence.
  • Prone to blood rages, he becomes irritated quickly.
  • Love and basic decency is foreign to him. He responds to kindness with confusion and awkwardness.

history — "A tragedy, really, to see your loved one shoot a hole in your heart. I became what everyone hated most."

Past: At one point in time, Lycidas called Mosswick Village his home. There, he lived with his partner and raised livestock. They dreamed about having children one day, but those dreams were shattered when Dracula led a raid upon their home, claiming humans as fodder for his dreadful war. Lycidas was taken and sent to the dungeon, where he rotted away for months. Dracula admired his strength of will, his commitment to life, and turned him into a vampire with the hopes of using him to defend the castle. When the opposing force came and broke into Dracula's abode, they freed Lycidas, who ran home to Mosswick. Only... Everyone there saw him as a monster. The enemy. The villain. Even his own partner took hold of one of his pistols and tried to end the life of this pitiful abomination who called itself Lycidas. His vision turned red. Afterwards, he dared not reveal to himself the bloodshed that resulted from this shattering of the heart.
Present: Revenge is on his mind. He seeks to destroy the Church and all who stand in his way in this worldwide struggle for power.