Ash's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

EeveePotter Global Rules

Full Page Here

  1. You may not make any edits to the product without my explicit permission beforehand.
    1. If you are unhappy in any way with the item you receive, you are free to come to me ANYTIME and I will be happy to help and/or make a change. Don't be afraid to ask about anything. Seriously, I don't bite.
  2. You may reach out to me anytime for any reason, even no reason, and even if I haven't created you a product.
  3. You may not claim the original product as your own.
  4. If you upload the original product off-site, you must credit me (EeveePotter) or link back to my profile.
  5. I acknowledge that once a product is delivered to the customer, the product no longer belongs to me.
  6. A little more casual and negotible on this one but PLEASE if a Character's Gender or Sexuality is blatently stated on a pre-existing profile, don't change that without my permission. It makes me extremely uncomfortable, especially since I may have spent a long time on the chara and intended for them to be a specific way. Thank you!