


8 months, 10 days ago


In terms of personality,  Heroncall is a very chill and relaxed cat, believing that things always  had a way of working out in the end. He did however take his job as med cat very seriously believing it to be the most critical job for the clan and as a  result he should always only do his very best for his clanmates. He was also a highly spiritual cat, fully trusting in Starclan to guide the  clan if ever something unexpected would arise, though post his death  that view changed as he realised that Starclan was as much subject to  faults or a lack of foresight as their still living counterparts. This  expectation he had held in life is something he regrets having impressed  onto his at the time still quite young and impressionable apprentice  before his early death, believing that it played a significant part in  the tom effectively severing his and as a result the clan's connection  to Starclan when Starclan did not come to clan's aid even at the darkest  point of the infection that killed Heroncall and much of the clan.