


9 months, 25 days ago


Parasitised Pugilist
I decided to cut down on the formatting for Most characters

Names: Galen, Charon

Gender: male

Pronouns: he/him

Sexuality: Unspecified

Height: Unspecified

age/bday: 18

__ __

Powers (brief): makes these healing ribbons

Occupation: __

Species: Human

Eþnicity: ________

Nationality: Umbrosan

Universe/World: Unspecified

Created (IRL): ~spring/summer? 2023


VIDEO KID: Cowboy BeBop at his computer.

Design Info!

- The entity replacing his right arm was based on tongue-louse in concept and skeleton 'shrimp' in appearance. Its face isn't canonically that cute - just imagine some "ugly zoom-in" like they do in some cartoons like Flapjack happening once.


Powers & abilities

- Galen can produce transleucent, pale-red ribbons from his body, preferring to use his hands to do so. These ribbons are capable of healing most kinds of wounds they come into contact with, be it those of a person or (other) animal, possibly even plants and more.

- He's also skilled in combat, probably incorporating his "shrimp-arm" and ribbons into his fighting-style.


- I'm not a good personality-describer, glean what you can from the other sections and his art. He seems more chill though


- Galen runs an underground fight-club of sorts in Prisarde Academy, allowing battle-hungry students to brawl to their heart's content. The catch is that he charges people money for his healing. It's not too costly, but it adds up. He goes by Charon down there.

- His right arm was replaced by that thing at some point in the past during an unspecified experience. He tried using his wrap to recover his arm, but it only fused him to the parasite, granting him a level of control over it. Maybe he's raising money to get it properly dealt with?

- His (back)story still isn't too fleshed out, but feels rich with potential.




- Galen is a product of the first half or 2023. IIRC, he may have slowly but surely came into being over the months


(up-to-date check: 30 Aug 2023)