Princess Mari (secondary sona)



9 months, 23 days ago

Basic Info


15 years


July 29






Sea dragon


Ace lesbian

Best friend



Mari is a sona who represents my more shy, somewhat nerdy side. She's a sea dragon who lives on Dragon Beach Island, being a member of its native species.

Mari is the princess of the island! She takes her future title of Queen very seriously, even if it scares her a bit to think about. Being the princess, she lives in the palace at the center of the island. This means it's quite a trek to her school and her friends' homes -- or, it would be, but she is chauffeured to and from her classes by well-compensated palace workers.

she's really shy, loves games and books, and can be very silly, though in a quieter way than Ivy. ADORES fantasy books/games/movies. she really wants to play dnd but none of her friends are fit to DM at all. they're rather squeamish and anxious. she is very passionate about her interests and loves talking about them. actually likes school?? wtf (i like school) they love their friends very much even if they struggle to show it bc of their anxiety <3 she's very modest for a princess, not liking to wear crazily extravagant dresses. they're usually seen in a simple pink gown, if wearing clothes.

OK UMMMMM possible story time??? this is NOT set in stone but i'm putting it out there cause it's a cool idea :3

500 years ago, there was a king of the island, named King Molten.

Most sea dragons have soft, helpful powers, if any. For example, many can heal wounds at their will. Some can read minds to better understand the feelings of others. King Molten was....not like this.

He had fire breath, and claws that could turn to sharp metal. His appearance was also very different from the rest of his kind. He was scaly, angular, and almost animalistic in the way he moved.

He usurped the throne from the previous Queen, killing her and taking over with a veritable reign of terror. He would kill whoever he wished, unafraid to dirty his hands.

He ruined the lives of everyone on the island, destroying the joy that had once permeated every aspect of life there.

When his time finally came, it was at the hands of a band of rebels who killed him in such a way that his soul was visibly free after. 

And then, they held up a red gemstone amulet, and he was sealed there forever.

This was done to make sure that he was contained for all eternity, but the dimwitted royals eventually turned the amulet into a precious heirloom. Who would ever wear something like that? Every single Prince and Princess, apparently. 

Many of them were reported to have lost their minds, panicking and being paranoid. They eventually would stop wearing the amulet and demand that it be gotten rid of forever. But it never was...

Hundreds of years down the line, enter Mari. She is the current Princess, and when she turned 13, she was made to wear the amulet as those before her had. She was terrified. And rightfully so.

They grew aggressive over time, angry and bitter. They would keep away from family and friends, and Ivy did not realize why for a few weeks. By chance, she spotted them and saw the amulet...

She told Mari they had to destroy the amulet, to save anyone in the future from what they were experiencing. In a sudden moment of clarity, Mari understood and smashed the cursed thing on a rock. 

But, as a keen thinker might imagine, this only released King Molten's soul back into the world.

He was free again, and now haunted around the palace, creating his plan. After being sealed in the red gemstone of the necklace, he now could possess any decoration in the palace with red gems. Above the palace's treasure room, there was a statue of a dragon with red gems for eyes. King Molten would frequently possess it and make its eyes glow whenever Mari passed by. (STOPPING HERE FOR NOW)

wings my friend if ur reading this feel free to hound me to get back on writing this bc i'm Gonna forget