The Silent



10 months, 12 hours ago


DISCLAIMER: Neither I nor this character's designer support LupisVulpes' actions. Their designer made them out of nostalgia for the style, and art I make/ get of him may reflect a similar nostalgia as well, but in no way is this nostalgia for the art and endorsement of the artist's views.

he/it/they - The Silent is like if a mortal died, was given a status elevated above an angel-- though not really a god nor a demigod --and then was forced back into its body to roam the earth and keep evil influences in-check.

The Silent had a name before his "promotion", though it was given the moniker of "The Silent" due to it's refusal to speak upon revival. Some speculate he was not allowed to speak as a sort of restraint or punishment, others say they're too focused on their tasks to even think about talking. Another, admittedly small, group proposes that it's refusal to speak is a protest against the gods for forcing a mortal to do their dirty work instead of allowing him to pass on properly. Despite the reason behind his silence, his name is still lost to time as he refuses to repeat it.

Most view The Silent as a part of myth, a tale told to fearful youth to give them the courage to try things that scare them. Though a small community has developed of those claiming to have seen it, watching them from a distance as The Silent's stare filled them with dread, making them abandon risky and aggressive actions.

(A/N honestly I'm just spitballing. I have a feeling I could fit this guy into a story idea I have, though I may end up just using them as a sillyguy for me to gnaw on as a little nostalgia-themed guy! Time will tell.)