


9 months, 30 days ago



Aoki Shinobu

trans female (she/her)



December 15th


 165 cm


Urban Legends


A sweet, happy-go-lucky person. Always positive and cheerful, Shinobu is a very considerate person, who goes out of her way to help others (a type to drop everything to hold a door for a grandma, or carry heavy bags for a stranger).

Extremely friendly and easy to talk to, she isn't necessary talkative, but she tends to start small chats with others just to discuss the weather or compliment someone's outfit. Shinobu gentle aura makes all awkwardness disappear, and even if someone isn't too interested in talking she picks up on that quickly and doesn't bother them.
In general, very in tune with others emotions, so someone being upset or angry affects her greatly. Hence why she is always trying to make others happy.

Naturally curious, loves learning something new or even gossip (just a little!).
Shinobu adores Kaede's storytelling skills, and she is always on the edge of her seat, whenever Kaede starts explaining the lore of some creepypasta characters.

Despite being in a rock band that things about creepy things, Shinobu isn't a big fan of horror. She likes the mystery, but actually scary things are... well... scary.
Shinobu is a huge scaredy-cat, and wholeheartedly believes that all kind of spirits and creatures are real.
However, she is not the type to pretend to be brave, if she is scared, she always makes it very clear, seeing no point in faking courage. Besides, Shinobu's fears don't stop her from attempting to watch scary movies anyway, in hopes that this time she can handle it.

As a performer

An extremely skilled drummer, she is very passionate, and it is always clear during performances. Shinobu goes all out and smiles brightly, so simply looking at her during a song can make anyone more hyped and excited.
She goes out of her way to play her drums more, so she regularly uploads drum covers of songs requested by fans.

Definitely the most approachable of the group. Her sweet demeanour makes anyone feel at ease, although on the other hand she can't act cool and scary on a command like other members... But her charm is clearly being the ray of sunshine.
Does some fanservice, Shinobu doesn't mind calling you her significant other or playing along with a pickup line, she thinks it's rather fun, especially with how delighted people act about it.
Sometimes she even showcases her strength to the audience by picking up other members or flexing her arms.

  • Ice-cream
  • Working out
  • Kaede's stories
  • Summer
  • Making friends
  • Very scary movies and games
  • Breaking her drumsticks
  • Jumpscares
  • Waking up early
  • Confrontations








  • Her drum kit: Yamaha Live Custom Hybrid Oak, Charcoal Sunburst 22"
  • She lives with her grandparents.
  • She can swim really well and was in a swimming club in school.
  • The strongest and youngest member of the band.
  • She can cook extremely well, and bakes occasionally.
  • She has only been playing drums for a year when the group has formed, making her one of the least experienced bandmates. Yet no one can tell, as Shinobu picked up a new skill easily and became good at it consentingly quickly.
  • She doesn't dressed up as much as other members for their performances. Shinobu prefers to stay comfortable and in her opinion her outfit isn't as important since she is sitting behind her drum kit.
  • When it comes to communicating with ghosts/spirits/etc, they seem to be extra talkative and friendly whenever it's Shinobu's turn to use whatever device was chosen. Sudden spikes in "responses" usually only make her more scared though.

Tsubaki Best friend

The fearful duo of the group. They went to the same high school, but  never actually interacted before they ended up in Urban Legends.

Tsubaki  truly believes Shinobu to be the only "normal" one in the entire band,  and greatly appreciate the calming and sweet support she provides. Also,  endlessly impressed with how strong Shinobu is.
Shinobu in turn, is  very impressed with Tsubaki's intellect. She genuinely thinks Tsubaki is  very cool and punk, and isn't scared of ghosts.

Kaede Best friend

A cryptid and her sweetest fan.

Shinobu really loves Kaede's  entire personality and the stories she creates. She can't help with  writing much, so instead she makes sure Kaede doesn't overwork herself  and feeds her home-made meals sometimes.
Kaede cherishes Shinobu a  lot, not immune to her soft aura. Given Shinobu's honesty about her  fears, Kaede never scares her on purpose, always reassuring her that  nothing bad will ever happen to her.

Noa Best friend

Just chill vibes all around, the two of them are usually witnessing intense debates between other two members.

Shinobu likes how simple and casual Noa is, and really likes talking to her. Even though Noa barely talks, Shinobu insists their contestations are very fulfilling.
Noa thinks Shinobu is a sweet person, who should be protected. Although she definitely doesn't need it, given how easily she carries heavy boxes around. So, Noa has no problem relying on her, knowing that Shinobu will happily repeat whatever Noa missed in the conversation.