Chihiro's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

Pomidoodle Global Rules

✩ Please Follow the TOS. ✩

   - Please DO NOT pass any of purchased characters of mine to Blacklist.
   - Never sell for higher unless extra art is added or bought.
   - If you traded for a Character, you can ONLY trade them, not sell them.
   - Disrespecting my TOS & rules results in revoking rights to the design.
   - Don't use the characters to discriminate / bully or harass others.

   - Do not redesign any characters made by me, minor alteractions are allowed, such as:
    Changing the name or title / accessories / Minor parts of the outfit.
   If you'd like to make changes / alteractions bigger, please contact me beforehand.

   You may gift people after having the character for atleast a week unless stated prior that it is a gift.
   Any design you own cannot be sold ( if bought for ) or traded for 2 weeks once you obtain it.
   Gifted designs cannot be sold / traded by the person gifted to, the design can only be regifted.

✩ REMEMBER. Adding your OWN art does not equal to money worth !! You must BUY art for the character to add to its worth.
✩ Do not trace, reupload or take my Adopts offsite without speaking to me first !! If you are going to reupload my art or give away my adopts offsite, please inform me & please inform them of my TOS if granted permission.
✩ You may NOT alter any ownership, co-owning designs with Blacklisted people is not tolerated.