Air Guitar



9 months, 26 days ago


Air Guitar is a spunky, punky pegasus born to two hum-drum weather factory workers. Always on the lookout for excitement, little Air Guitar was always getting herself into trouble: getting lost in mist, falling asleep on a cloud and waking up in a different country...but once she stumbled into the midst of a tremendous thunderstorm--and loved the sounds of it so much that she began to sing along, earning her cutie mark! Her parents were very proud of her talent and enrolled her in a school for young musicians, but Air Guitar’s...unique style made her an outcast among her classmates.

But Air Guitar wasn’t deterred. She traveled below to Canterlot, hoping to strike out on her solo music career. Although her concerts earned her plenty of noise complaints, it earned her twice as many fans. She met Petal Dance at one of her concerts, who introduced her to her friend group. They all became great friends, with Air Guitar realizing she embodied the Element of Individuality!

However, when despair struck, Air Guitar was corrupted into the self-centered and gullible Grindcore. Grindcore used her musical talents to cause huge, dangerous thunderstorms that were so loud that everyone would pay attention to her whether they liked it or not.

She took Despair’s goat hoof, using it to kick storm clouds harder for louder booms.