
9 months, 19 days ago


After waking up as a blob, they couldn’t recall anything from their life as a human, not even their name. The name “Null” is really just a placeholder until they can somehow find out what it was before. They tend to shy away from the rest of the cesspit because they struggle to properly connect with people, which can make them seem a bit creepy at times because they usually hide in dark areas.  

Fun facts: They used to be a cold-hearted hitman, but while attempting to kill one of their targets, they hit their head pretty badly before falling in some of that forbidden sour sauce. Sheep are their favorite animal. So much that they based their legs off of them as a subconscious thing. Before they died they reminded them of innocent victims being lead to their death. But now sheep just remind them of themself. Also they have soggy cat behavior :3