Nyx Vye



9 months, 19 days ago


Nyx is my first ever OC, he needs a revamp but he's a shy lil boy. He's naive and a lil bit of a pushover but he's loyal to his friends. Nyx tends to world hop and adapt or take traits from the world he's travelled to. At a younger age has a tendency to panic, occassional low or anxiety spikes, low self esteem, and a childlike naivety and wonder. But when backed against a wall, he can get somewhat aggressive and defensive. Nyx also falls pretty hard to guilt and can self sacrifice/have loyalty in ways that are not healthy. It gets better over time, eventually.

He had a kleptomanic tendency while growing up, which is mostly outgrown but not quite. Partially cause he was a streets orphan, which kept him alive despite his conflicting morals and ideals. With that lifestyle, he tends to live in the moment and is fast to learn new skills and adapt. He's a rogue/magic archetype, he defaults to a pair of daggers he wears on his sweater sleeve harness. In a fight, he usually flees first and avoids conflict but he can lash out if pinned or cornered. He's crafty, thinking outside of the box in fights.

He has a bit of magic, including shadowy-smoke like manipulation and travel. If cut, he bleeds like black ink in water. His default clothing is also a part of him and can be reshaped at will. His tail and ears are created in that fashion, and can be removed as they were not originally a part of him. His ears are more solid but his tail is closer to smokey magic most of the time.