


10 months, 3 days ago

Basic Info





"Keep your eyes on the prize."
  • Name Aliza
  • Age Adult, 6 years
  • Gender Female
  • Pronouns She/Her
  • Sexuality Bisexual
  • Personality

    Aliza is confident, headstrong, and bold. She's the perfect example of a leader. She's kind and caring, ruthless when necessary, and gentle when needed. Others often confide in her with their worries, and she'll give advice or just offer an ear to listen. Aliza sometimes doesn't know when to relax, but she can be pretty goofy and silly when it comes to relaxing.

    Aliza sometimes can be a bit of a stick in the mud, following the rules kept her and her sister safe, so if Aliza puts her foot down it's hard to change her mind. She's stubborn, not reckless though, and spends a lot of time talking to her council before making decisions.
  • Appearance

    Aliza is a massive lioness. She almost towers over other damu lions sometimes, and she's mostly pure muscle rather than fluff. Her curly red mane came from her father, her dark blue pelt from her mother, and her bright blue eyes are from her grandmother. She has no scars yet, she takes pride in that no one is strong enough to scar her permanently yet.

  • Likes Flowers, helping others, exploring, playing with cubs, swimming
  • Dislikes Unable to help, being alone, dark caves, snakes, slavers
  • Backstory



  • "What is your job, and why?"

    "I technically don't have a job. I run a group of rebels that often attack the Damu Empire's trade routes or free slaves. I'm one of the head leaders, with the sister being my second in command. It's a goal of mine to help as many as I can before I retire or die, I just hope I can cause enough damage to the Empire. Hopefully.

  • "What's your favorite past time?"

    "My favorite pastime is babysitting one of the cubs within the camp or making flower crowns with Kota. He's quiet and nervous, but I can tell he's a good lion. He's a good conversationalist too. And very curious about learning everything. He doesn't mind it when I come to visit him during one of my breaks."

  • "What's your family like? Are you close with any of them?"

    "I was very close with my father before he passed. Kind, gentle, and very strong lion. Everyone says I'm exactly like him, just a tad more pretty. Heh. My mother is still alive and well, she lives within the Ndona territories. It's safe over there, so I know I can rest easy knowing my mom is safe. My sister, Zahara, lives and works with me at the rebel camps. She's my only sister, so we are quite close. Sometimes I can just read what her brain is thinking with one look. "

  • "What's your favorite childhood memory?"

    "My favorite childhood memory is when my dad would take Zahara and I out hunting. We spent most of the time playing or tracking prey, despite us being clumsy cubs, we caught a lot of food. Sometimes I like to picture my dad hunting right alongside me when I'm out hunting. I miss him."

  • Trivia
    • ● As a cub, Aliza spent a lot of time with her father. She was a daddy's girl
    • ● Cannot sleep without someone on her side. Needs to feel protected to sleep.
    • ● Knows Kota is a spy, slowing getting him to see how bad the Damu Empire truly is.
    • ● Likes to make dad jokes, really bad dad jokes
    • ● Sometimes others call her 'sir' on accident, she doesn't mind it.
    • ● Likes to wrestle, it's fun to practice fighting moves with friends.