
One of the three orbiting bodies around Xarenthia, Coth is the only one with its own atmosphere able to sustain life.

A Desert like moon, Coth 469B is a sprawling landscape of pale pink and purple stone, and cotton candy colored skies. With an almost dreamlike landscape, it was settled in the last great spaceward expansion. But Due to its harsh climate and long form rotation however, very few of the original colonists stayed.
Those that did stay, developed a toughness that truly reflected the moonscape itself. Digging their feet in and planting their roots they managed to make a living farming and ranching the harsh landscape.
Like most far rim settlements, the law is made by those who live it. You mind your own and keep to yourself and youll get on just fine. Things like gunfights and territory disputes occasionally still break out, though stunguns keep the death toll low. It's still not considered the most friendly of places to live, and less so if you don't mean to fight for the life you live there.

Points of Interest
Miss Velvet's Gink Ranch