


5 years, 11 months ago
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Despite seeming edgy, she's actually a huge dork and a softie. She loves to joke around and she oftens goes on about random things that no one gets- But she's adorable, so she gets a pass. Everyone wants to protect her. 


"Ya yeet guys!"


"Snuggle attack!"


Elixir is a sweet gorl. She lived with her mother and her abusive father. She would take all of her father's hits in order to protect her mother. 

"Let's run away. We'll find a nice house, make friends, and be happy- I won't stop until you have a happy life. I promise."

And so, the two ran away. However, their father, drunk at the time, found them. He stabbed Elixir, and the poor girl collapsed, her mother rushing to her side. She was infuriated. Slowly pulling the knife out of her daughter, she told her to put pressure on the wound. She stood up, and lashed out at the man, stabbing him to death. She regretted it and was disgusted and shocked by her actions- but her daughter was more important. She dropped the knife and rushed to her daughter, where she told her she was going to die. She begged, sobbed, desperate for her to live- but she just smiled.

"Be happy, mom."

She whispered, her mother weeping. She took her scarf, and wrapped it around her neck. It was her favourite scarf- a reminder of her. She lay there, mourning over her daughter, until the police came. She was arrested for murder. 

However, Elixir survived. She awoke in the hospital. It was a miracle that she was alive. She soon got adopted and had a good family- However, she still wishes to see her mother again.

pending for xion_dradhi on instagram