Squid Sung



9 months, 17 days ago


He's an octopus but squid sung is his nickname and sounds better

He was basically a big delivery shipment dude. But he's also a mechanic, he's not the best at it but he does it with love.

His hair and mustache is made outta tentacles that can grow or shrink when he chooses, he can also turn his limbs to tentacles if he wishes, but only really does transform his arms when in battle.

He has horns and can breath underwater, his suit doubles as a diving suit and the legs and sleeves can be attached and deatached to create a short version of his suit instead, his paladrons (ill check the word later) can shift into a diving mode where they have fan/propellers that well propel him through the water, like mini jets.

Also he can grow back tentcles if lopped off (not limbs tho) Also his freckles glow. He use's his tencle limbs for mundane tasks sometimes instead of going and getting an item or picking up an object thats fallen he'll just stretch out his tentcle and pick up said item.

His ship is named Heartwake.