
9 months, 8 days ago


Name: Varas (V-are-russ)

Gender: Male

Age: 44

Species: Caedric

Trait: Laterite

Crest: Defense

Spells: Immovable, Immunity, Closed Mind

Status: Alive

Varas is Kyran's father. He met Kyran's mother, Falei, when travelling down through the Coastlands, where she was collecting herbs. Having never met a Solaius before, and her having never met a Caedric, they got talking. They travelled together for a few days and Varas found himself reluctant to part with her. His tough exterior was slowly being worn away to show a compassionate soul behind all of his Caedric training. 

A whirlwind romance ensued, which resulted in Falei's pregnancy. Despite his concerns as to what would happen to him when he returned to the Redlands, Varas stayed and helped Falei through her pregnancy, hunting for her and ensuring she was comfortable. He only left about a month after the pup had been born, once Falei was sure she could take it from there. Their parting was one of great sorrow, as they knew they would likely never see each other again. Before his departure, he gave Falei his wristguard for her to give to their son, as a token of his love for them both despite his separation. 

Upon his return to the Redlands he was questioned ruthlessly, but the story he'd had time to weave on his journey back ultimately won out. However, many Caedrics questioned the legitimacy of the tale, especially when he was soon betrothed to another wolf, an uncommon occurence for a lowborn. He now has pups with his new mate, and as much as he loves them he has never forgotten his son or Falei, who he will always hold in his heart.