
9 months, 9 days ago


Name: Athari (At-ar-ee)

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/him

Age: 24

Species: Norh

Trait: Argent

Crest: Curse

Class: Nobleborn

Spells: Waterpaw, Ice

Noble Spells: Ice Shards, Snowblind

Status: Alive

Serious and authoritative, Athari is well-respected amongst his kind. He is fair to everyone, though doesn't hesitate to dish out justice to those who deserve it. With a lot of responsibility on his young shoulders, he feels pressure to excel, and sometimes wishes that he could just escape it all. He is steadfast in his beliefs and stubborn, as many Norh are, and doesn't let anyone change his mind, unless they can provide concrete evidence that he is in the wrong, in which case he graciously accepts the correction. Deep down, however, he feels embarrassed and annoyed to have got something wrong. He has not travelled much, but hopes to take many pilgrim journeys and travel to far away lands in the future, even just as a respite from his duties in Highmere. He is often alone, and has a very small circle of friends, despite his high rank. This is mostly because he doesn't get on very well with a lot of the highest ranking Norh, and believes in a more humble existence.