
9 months, 9 days ago


Name: Soturi (Sot-oor-ree)

Nickname: Sotu (So-too); typically by her mother, father, Hagen and occasionally Keluhi

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/they

Age: 14

Species: Caedric/Mysbel

Trait: Laterite/Pastel

Crest: Illusion

Status: Alive

Soturi is confident and friendly, always striving to be a happy face in a crowd. She is proud and regal like her father, and has the free-spirited nature of her mother. While she can often be sarcastic to the point of being hurtful, she is kind and frequently apologises for saying things without thinking. She recently met Hagen, and is determined to bring him out of his shell. A pretty and outgoing Raj, she is often trailed by admiring young males of both the Caedric and Mysbel, which never used to bother her until she noticed that Hagen always made himself scarce when others were around. Nowadays, she disappears to spend alone time with him, much to his appreciation. However, she can sometimes get frustrated with his behaviour and takes some time to cool off. Soturi is also quite the flirt, but doesn't seem to mean it, leading to her being confused when Hagen stutters and suddenly runs off, or stares at her in shock.