
5 years, 11 months ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)
For Sale (Virtual Currency)


Name: Hema

Height: 6'1 ft

Weight: 189 Ibs

Aesthetic: Intricate embroidery. The more regal and complex the clothing is the better.

Likes: Live music, Learning new things, the initial feeling of being able to do something well after some difficulty.

Dislikes: Brown-nosers, not being able to something properly in public, being out of their element

Class: Prodigy Artificer. 

Abilities and Aptitude: Is able to produce master level magical items and replicate the workings of spells into equipment that they can use even without them themselves being able to use spells. Their ability to be highly adaptive or Specialized between fights is what makes them formidable. Even more so when they start weaving meta-magics into their gear, allowing them to control spells on par with Grand Wizards. 

A character I designed for a Pathfinder campaign(that ended a couple sessions in). I really liked their design so I'll keep them around. Either to use in another campaign or maybe to sell off. I may end up making a ref for them.