Quartz (Quartz's Info)



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basic info

nicknames: Quar, Quart
species: Alien gemstone Cat (working on species name)
has no birthday because he was grown, like how a crystal is grown
 no known age due to no birthday,
he is 5'4
quartz does not have gender because gemstone alien, though quartz does use he/him pronouns

specific info
Quartz has no tail, because alien and not an actual cat
weak spot is the crystal on his chest, please do not hit him there
blood is the same color as his crystal
his weird arm goo functions similar to the goo in a lava lamp
Quartz's Crystal can change colors (see Quartz's Holiday Forms for examples) and Quartz himself can also change colors 

personality info
very basic personality summary: chaotic silly guy that sometimes says a smart thing
thinks lobsters are too weird looking to possibly be real and exist and so says that they aren't real and don't exist.
i am bad at terms but Quartz is not romantically interested in anyone, friendly relationships only

likes & dislikes
hot weather
any and all gemstones

he finds babies terrifying
sudden loud sounds
cold weather

relationship info
Smoke: mutual hate but they still both hang out
Astra: friends, sometimes stargaze together
tbn: neutral
tbn, the many eyes one: Quartz finds them scary, as they sometimes threaten him

Any Questions? Feel free to ask me more about Quartz!

alien lore
nothing, i am not good at lore but i am working on it

Human Quartz Info
can't find info in this section, then it is probably the same as above
species: Alien Gemstone Humanoid
age: assumed to be around 18-30, yet again has no age
job: probably either a geologist or scientist

Human Quartz personality info
Quartz is into geology and likes to look at gemstones and rocks
likes to mess around and make things

likes & dislikes
same as regular quartz
making tiny robots to do pointless things

same as regular quartz