Shiloh Triannon



8 months, 9 days ago


He/Him butch henchman working for the Triptych

Shiloh is an eldritch entity serving as the henchman to the Triptych(a trio of more powerful eldritch entities) and serves a kind of Espionage Role, working surreptitiously as a writer and feigning complete normalcy to anyone around him. He’s got the ability to make anyone around him perceive him as both perfectly normal and extremely trustworthy, which means they don’t question his appearance or how he knows the things he does.

Shiloh is a soft-spoken academic type, at least at the surface, with a deeper look revealing a deceptive streak a mile wide and a penchant for using his charms to trick people into telling him whatever will further his evil ends. He plays his cards close to the vest- always revealing very little about his actual interests or intentions no matter how much he seems like he’s making a connection with someone. He’s usually not one to anger quickly, but tends to panic if his plans start going awry in ways he didn’t anticipate.