-Character ref: https://toyhou.se/14676359.spark#45228003
- Short info / design notes: his expression is always just dumb af, head totally empty
- Charm: maybe a star or a mug of tea, whatever fits easiest!
- Buttons: totally up to you
- Method of payment: paypal
- Way of communion TH/discord/insta: TH or discord (ratboyy)


Ooooo okay! 

Defenatly can do it! 

Give me your full discord user and I'll pm you with first wip 

my username is just ratboyy with my nickname just being RAT-BOYY, my discord doesnt show up with a code anymore 😩

- Character ref (or flat digital art): https://toyhou.se/14336819.idris-eike-wip/gallery#59659216

- Short info / design notes: Idris has long canine teeth and fluffy mane

- Charm: Gold teacup

- buttons: Gold

- method of payment: Paypal

-way of communion TH/discord/insta: TH

Sure thing

I'll add you to list !