


6 years, 4 days ago


Originally named Ophelia, until the owners of Jess took them and their littermates and double checked about the oddity that was "Ophelia". After some tests it turned out that Ophelia was intersex and had XXY chromosomes. They were still called Ophelia and was quite a bit smaller than their siblings. If things when play seemed to get to rough, one of the humans would scoop them up and ruin the fun. Constantly babied and sometimes getting some not so nice comments from the family. Led to Ophelia wishing to live with their mother Enyo, which only led to them realizing that her overbearing nature also changed nothing of what they were trying to escape from. In the end they decided to leave both lives behind by the time they were grown and more understanding.

They decided to become a self-proclaimed "Orphan" and chose the name of Orphen to be mashed into their name.  Resulting into the name of Orphelian. In the end they do love their family and live their life on the "streets" as they take the kindness of human for granted. but becoming such a frequenter they developed to be apart of "many" families.  Never being their long enough where their love would be overwhelming. Eventually they found their own pace and visits their original family from time to time. Sometimes crashing at their places depending on which is closer and they are too lazy to deal with going to any of their other homes. 

Personality: WIP

Breeding Slots:

1. Reserved for Curiousspecter

2. Closed

3. Fawx's