
5 years, 11 months ago


Name: Jay Burr Galaxy

Origin of Birth: Allia

Relationship Status: Single

Personality:  Jay is pretty outgoing, and he loves to meet new people.  He loves  parties, which he throws sometimes, and his favorite type is bonfires.   He tries to have fun wherever he goes.

Short Bio: Jay  hatched long ago, presumably from the same batch of eggs as Vincent and  Aleah.  Jay knew them as hatchlings, as they once played on the beach at  a bonfire.  Jay had a terrible accident soon afterwards, disappearing  for a very long time.  Jay finally came back, only to find his two best  friends had disappeared.  They were gone, long gone.   But Jay found  their family and he learned it was huge!  Jay can't wait to see them  again one day.

Finally Jay gets to see his friends again.  He set  out on a boat with a kind couple and they ventured out on a long, long  journey.  They ran aground in a small pond, quite unsure how they got  there, but learned other Allians had come here as well.  Jay found his  old friends and had quite the time catching up with them.

Likes: Vincent, Aleah, the beach, the sea, sand, wind, himself, bonfires



Favorite Color(s): Blue