


9 months, 11 days ago


Dishonest, is okay with lying when it suits her. Seems to never interpret social cues right, yet always knows the exact right thing to say to deeply bother someone. So caught up in her idealizations of a more romantic and perfect reality that she finds herself constantly let down by everyone and everything, since nothing can live up to her somewhat unrealistic ideals. Deeply upset if things don't turn out exactly how they were in her romanticized vision of the scenario, but rather than adjusting her thinking and acknowledging nothing is perfect and that she and everyone she knows inevitably are going to have a few flaws and etc., she just digs in further, stubbornly seeking a photo perfect reality that only exists in her mind and feeling a constant disappointment with everything around her. Her best skill is her extreme ability to deflect her flaws onto others and dodge all criticismIs. Always zones out mid conversation to think about the conversation shes having lol.. like.. while someone is talking to her she just stops listening like "hmm.. what if I just.. screamed right now.. what would they do? would it scare the cat I'm talking to? OR, what if I just like.. ran away from them.. would they follow me?? or like.. hmm.. OH YEAH WAIT I'm supposed to be listening to what they're saying, shit..".