


9 months, 4 days ago


  • AGE 26 MOONS

I have failed my clan, I see no use in me being here. I don't believe Starclan does either, I do not understand their intentions.

GrasshopperWeb is a quiet tom. He has many scars from clan life and wished to leave it behind many moons ago, after his best friends' deaths. All of his attempts to leave clanlife and become a rouge have been stopped by Starclan in many different ways, from tree roots suddenly tangling around his paws to strange check ins from his own clanmates. Soon enough, he became a mentor. Leaving the clan wasn't an option for him at that point, so instead he spends his time training FernPaw and lying in the warriors den, sleeping the days away.
















pessimist optimist

Naive Perceptive

Reserved Social

sassy polite

patient foolhardy





GrasshopperWeb is a shy, quiet tom. He became more confident when he first became a warrior, but this quickly dissapeared when PrimeroseShine and FeverfewEyes died. He is now unresposive to most cats, and is deep in his grief.

Positive Traits
  • Kind
  • Patient
  • Loyal
Neutral Traits
  • Careful
  • Mellow
  • Observant
Negative Traits
  • Pessimistic
  • Anxious
  • Escapist

GrasshopperWeb grew close to PrimeroseShine and FeverfewEyes in his childhood, the trio forming a very tight bond. They put their nests together and shared everything. OF course GrasshopperWeb had other friends inside training and around the camp, but it was known PrimeroseShine, FeverfewEyes and GrasshopperWeb were one of the closest trios in the clan, without being siblings. GrasshopperWeb was extremely supportive of the other two as they had kits together and became mates, he was overjoyed to meet FernKit. But that was quickly torn away from the tom as another clan ambushed them in the night and he couldn't get to the nursery fast enough. He made eyes contact with PrimeroseShine as anothe cat attacked her, FeverfewEyes had already been killed. GrasshopperWeb froze up, his paws couldn't move anymore as he watched his best friend fight. In moments, it was already over, the warrior turned to attack Fernkit and GrasshopperWeb threw himself forward to protect their kit. He has been grieveing ever since, and deeply blames himself for their deaths. Aftfer their deaths, MothStar chose GrasshopperWeb to mentor FernPaw, their child. He is terrified of her parents blaming him and being angry at MothStar's decision, but mentors FernPaw either way. He has a close bond with the apprentice and enjoys their training sessions. He wishes to leave clan life and become a rouge because of it, even with all of his clanmates support and FernPaw's training. Once FernPaw becomes a warrior, he's planning on leaving.


GrasshopperKit had two, somewhat protective parents. Being the only one in his litter made his parents worried for his safety. While they were worried, they let GrasshopperKit live his life and meet other kits. One of these kits was named PrimeroseKit. These two kittens grew to be best friends, forming a sibling like bond. They adventured together and went through their entire training together.


GrasshopperPaw wasn't the most popular apprentice, but his best friend PrimerosePaw was. PrimerosePaw seemed to get along with all the apprentices and always had large conversations with crowds of cats. This was a way GrasshopperPaw ended up knowing a lot of his clanmates, shyly introducing himself. He got to know a couple of them better during his traning and has some complex relationships with most. GrasshopperPaw was fearful at first that him and PrimerosePaw would drift, but PrimerosePaw set aside time for the two of them. During his apprenticehood one of PrimerosePaw's friends, FeverfewPaw, begun to hang out more often with him and PrimerosePaw. He didn't mind this, as he enjoyed the tom's company. They ended up growing closer and closer and soon formed a tight trio.


Everything begun to go downhill in GrasshopperWeb's warriorhood. At first, nothing changed. His two best friends became mates and he was overjoyed for them, they continued to hang out frequently. He got to know some of his clanmates on a deeper level, not being as shy as when he was an apprentice. Then his best friends had a kitten named FernKit. He was happy for them and spent most of his days in the nursery, talking with them or bringing them prey and water. One night, the clan was attacked. GrasshopperWeb tried to run to the nursery, dodging attacks from other warriors. GrasshopperWeb couldn't get there fast enough, as he was met with the image of PrimeroseShine getting attacked. He froze in fear as he watched his best friend get killed, seeing FeverfewEyes dead as well. He rushed forward and attacked the warrior, protecting FernKit. GrasshopperWeb then blamed himself for the two warriors deaths, shutting himself off from all of his clanmates. He tried to escape clanlife many times, but Starclan aways stopped him. MothStar soon apprenticed FernPaw to him, and he couldn't look at her at first. He soon pushed past these feelings to give FernPaw a good apprenticehood, planning to run from clanlife after she became a warrior.


  • Grasshopper ━  Grasshopper was chosen as his name from a kitten because of his pelt colouring.
  • Web ━  Web was chosen as the second half of his name because of his web-like markings. It was also chosen because of his fighting style, slowing down his enemies by tiring them out before attacking.
  • KIT  -GrasshopperKit
  • APPRENTICE  -GrasshopperPaw
  • Leaf Fall
  • Water / Water sounds
  • His den
  • Battle
  • Ice
  • Nightmares

  • Fast
  • Smart
  • Easily overwhelmed
  • Physically weak
  • GrasshopperWeb sometimes mistakes his clanmates voices for his two deceased friends. He can't help the dissapointment.
  • GrasshopperWeb has nice dreams about his kithood and his apprenticehood, he is sad when he wakes up from them.

GrasshopperWeb moves slowly now, tail dragging on the floor. His posture is terrible, and he has lost a lot of his speed to laying in his nest all day. He used to be quite a tall cat, carrying his tail high and sprinting everywhere.

 relationship -

GrasshopperWeb cares for his apprentice and admires her determined nature and her loyalty to their clan. It hurts to see her on occasion, being reminded of her parents, PrimeroseShine and FeverfewEyes, along with her adopted mother, GeraniumPrance. He wonders if PrimeroseShine and FeverfewEyes are angry that he is mentoring their daughter. GrasshopperWeb can't help but feel guilty for still wishing to live a life alone as a rouge because of how highly FernPaw thinks of him. He plans to continue his escape attempts after FernPaw becomes a warrior, which makes him feel even worse while continuing her training. Other than that, they have an extremely positive relationship.

 relationship -

GrasshopperWeb is absolutely terrified of what GeraniumPrance thinks of him, avoiding conversation whenever possible. He remembers PrimeroseShine and FeverfewEyes everytime he sees GeraniumPrance, missing them and cowering at the memory of them. Sometimes he remembers and mourns the loss of their kithood, and how close they were throughout their training. He heavily blames himself, and believes GeraniumPrance does too. Sometimes the two warriors make eye contact and sit, staring for a while, paralyzed in grief. He wonders if GeraniumPrance would be happy if he ended up leaving his clan.

 relationship -

GrasshopperWeb misses PrimeroseShine more than he thought ever possible, a constant ache in his heart his childhood friend. He thought the guilt would leave him, but it never did as he stared at their empty nests. PrimeroseShine and GrasshopperWeb grew up together, close as littermates, they soon met FeverfewEyes and became a trio. He was overjoyed at the fact PrimeroseShine and FeverfewEyes were mates, and continued to be close friends with them. Until, at a sudden ambush at night, his paws couldn't carry him to the nursery quick enough to save his two best friends. He made eye contact with PrimeroseShine as she got attacked, freezing in fear. He hopes PrimeroseShine forgives him for freezing for those couple precious moments.

 relationship -

GrasshopperWeb misses FeverfewEyes deeply, wishing to see the tom again. GrasshopperWeb met FeverfewEyes when they were only apprentices, becoming a trio with FeverfewEyes and PrimeroseShine. When GrasshopperWeb arrived at the den, FeverfewEyes had already been killed by ne of the cats intruding into the nursery. He grieved the tom heavily and fears that FeverfewEyes hates him.

 relationship -

GrasshopperWeb and MothStar have always been friendly to one another, and call eachother friends. MothStar was the cat to arrive after PrimeroseShine's and FeverfewEyes' death, finding GrasshopperWeb sobbing. She calmed him down and was there for him through his grief. He never told her about his fears, or the fact he had froze up, but instead sat with her in silence. Sometimes she checks in on him, and talks with him. GrasshopperWeb came to her, wishing to not go to future gatherings without his two best friends, which MothStar respected and allowed.

 relationship -

GrasshopperWeb has known DaylilyStem for a long time, but only became closer friends after the death of PrimeroseShine and FeverfewEyes. DaylilyStem comforted him and made sure he had enough prey and water. He would never open up to her, sadly, but has begun to strike up conversation and hang around her more often. He still keeps his emotional distance though, scared of becoming close to somebody. He also wants to try and not hurt anybody if he leaves the clans.

 relationship -

GrasshopperWeb and PeonyPrance were friends when they were kits, PeonyPrance always approaching GrasshopperWeb to play. Even through their training they remained close. He enjoyed her company and regularly spent time with her and other cats. After the death of PrimeroseShine and FeverfewEyes, he isolated himself from any company. PeonyPrance was friends with PrimeroseShine and was in her own grief, so they slowly drifted apart from eachother. GrasshopperWeb fears she blames him for his best friends' deaths.

 relationship -

DragonflyTail was very close friends with PeonyPrance throughout their entire childhood, which meant he was somewhat friends with GrasshopperWeb. They talked a couple times, and hung out occasionally as a group with PeonyPrance, SnapdragonStream, SunflowerTwirl, PrimeroseShine and FeverfewEyes. DragonflyTail drifted from Grasshopper web wince PrimeroseShine and FeverfewEyes' deaths. DragonflyTail still attempts to be friendly, but neither of the cats consider eachother friends anymore.

 relationship -

GrasshopperWeb hung out with SnapdragonStream occasionally in a group with PeonyPrance, DragonflyTail, SunflowerTwirl, PrimeroseShine and FeverfewEyes. They were friends, but mainly because they were in a group with their other, closer friends. They drifted apart after PrimeroseShine and FeverfewEyes' death and don't talk much anymore.

 relationship -

SunflowerPaw was the happiest and most upbeat of the sibling trio, GrasshopperWeb and her became quick friends in their little group. This friendship continued until she caught a terrible sickness, SunflowerTwirl passed before her own warriors ceremony with her 2 other siblings.

 relationship -

GrasshopperWeb knew SpiderPerch since they were apprentices, SpiderPaw used to hang out with GrasshopperWeb and his little friend group. GrasshopperPaw grew closer with SpiderPaw and his siblings, and they all became a big group. SpiderPaw used to be very excitable and happy around GrasshopperWeb, teasing him about silly things. Once SunflowerPaw passed, GrasshopperPaw found SpiderPaw to be oddly quiet. GrasshopperPaw and his clanmates comforted SpiderPaw through his grief. When SpiderPaw and DewPaw saw SunflowerPaw during their warriors ceremony, SpiderPerch began to heal. It took a long time, but with the help of GrasshopperWeb Dewpelt and all of his other clanmates, he began to get back to doing warrior duties. After PrimeroseShine and FeverfewEyes died, he checks in on GrasshopperWeb and curls up in the nest next to him, telling the stories of their apprenticeship. Stoies that GrasshopperWeb had forgotten. SpiderPerch is one of the only cats who GrasshopperWeb has cried to, crying over one of the stories of their apprenticeship with PrimeroseShine and FeverfewEyes. GrasshopperWeb knows SpiderPerch wants to be there for him, knowing how earth shattering a death can be in life.

 relationship -

GrasshopperWeb knew Dewpelt during his training, Dewpaw was the calmer of the three siblings and they got along well. When SunflowerPaw passed he talked with DewPaw more. GrasshopperPaw was a shoulder for DewPaw to lean on and they both appreciate eachother's company. He notices sympathetic stares from the she-cat sometimes from around the camp since his best friends' deaths. She brings by prey sometimes and they sit quietly together, enjoying the company. Dewpelt, while she doesn't talk too much, has offered GrasshopperWeb words of advice and comfort. He appreciates it and thinks of her highly.

 relationship -

GrasshopperWeb never knew WebspinnerPrance too well during his training, they talked once or twice but not enough to know eachother as friends. WebspinnerPrance has recently attempted to become closer to GrasshopperWeb, worried for the warrior after the death of his friends. GrasshopperWeb appreciates the effort, but doesn't want to make friends out of fear and worry, so he avoids the company. WebspinnerPrance continues trying though, and sometimes manages to catch GrasshopperWeb and talk with him. GrasshopperWeb admits, he does enjoy the conversations.

 relationship -

GrasshopperWeb feels very neutrally on CicadaBee, but values the time he's spent with the deputy. They aren't too close of friends but still talk on occasion.

 relationship -

GrasshopperWeb is fearful of FroghopperLeap because of their connection with Starclan. He fears that Starclan has told the medicine cat about GrasshopperWeb's want to leave the clans, and that FroghopperLeap would tell the leader. Nothing has happened yet, but FroghopperLeap gives GrasshopperWeb worried looks at times. The medicine cat has come to GrasshopperWeb a couple of times and asked the warrior how they were doing, offering a stay at the medicine cat den if the warrior's den ever got too overwhelming. GrasshopperWeb understood they meant to have space from the memory of his two best friends, but he's never taken the offer.
