
9 months, 21 days ago


Full Name: Cebalrai β Ophiuchi JADES-GS-z13-0 II Invoker Of Desired Concord: X

- Pathfinder: Conrasu, Tinkerer, Duplicate
- His face doesn't emote or move, however, he has crafted different faceplates that he has engineered to rotate when he feels a certain way. (The others stay hidden behind his hair.)
- The vines wrap around his body to encase his orb and leave it defended. They also hold his tools and gadgets when his arms are full.
- He LOVES gold trinkets and accessories. Since gold has no use in construction and he has little use for currency, he often uses his gold coins and turns them into earrings (despite a lack of ears) or necklaces for himself instead.
- His legs can deconstruct themselves into a flat platform under him, at which point he can use his orb to make himself hover instead. He can't fly, it functions about as fast and as mobile as walking, but sometimes it makes movement easier when working on constructs or traveling for long periods of time.
- His torso and front arms are made of Cedar Wood, to be light and quick to move around, while his legs and back arms are made of Hickory Wood, to be strong and resourceful.
- fuckhands mcmichael