Floana Kiletta



8 months, 1 day ago


The last remaining clan member of the fallen Kiletta Clan.

Name: Floana Kiletta

Age: 782

Sex: Female

Spirit: Wise, Glamorous and ?

Floana is the last surviving clan member of the Kiletta Clan which fell almost eight hundred years ago during the Great Dragon Hunting Ages which started when the Kingdom of Littrue and the Kingdom of Wesilonue III united together against their greatest threat, the Dragon Kingdom, the Kiletta Clan were part of the Dragon Kingdom and were hunted down and executed along with the Dragons.

Floana managed to kill many soldier from both kingdoms and escape, to this day she is being hunted by bounty hunters, slavers and the Imperial Army, being part dragon she has far more and greater magical and physical abilities than even the strongest in the Imperial Army.

Floana is kind and respectful towards those who don't hunt her, she doesn't have any Imperial Coin and nor does she need any, she simply barters and trades items with traveling merchants when she needs to.