


1 year, 19 days ago



Steelclaw lived for most of his early years in Playground, always without supervision from adults, he would put himself into dangerous situations in order to entertain the other kids so that they would like him more. He has always relished in any form of attention, not really caring if people were laughing at him or with him. He met two other kids, Hoverboard and Spraypaint, not long after making himself known around Playground, the three of them quickly became inseparable, always playing together and sparring to improve their skills over their respective gears. Steelclaw stopped caring about getting the attention of other people as long as Hoverboard and Spraypaint were around. As they moved onto their early teen years, Hoverboard started to focus his time on actually learning his gear, by this time Steelclaw had perfected his. Hoverboard would stop spending as much time as before with Steelclaw and Spraypaint, slowly but consistently spending even less and less. Spray didn’t take it as badly as Steelclaw did, or so it seemed, Steel would fall back on Spray talking to him about how he felt like Hover was abandoning them and hoping they could promise each other to stick together… But even Spray eventually started to drift away from him. The three of them wouldn't see each other for long periods of time. Steelclaw, fed up and having a particularly bad day, had had enough and made up his mind, he was leaving Playground. He looked for Spray and shared his plan with him, begging him to go with him, still believing at least the two of them could stick together. When Spray agreed to moving to Crossroads with him he felt the happier he had felt in months. The next morning he waited and waited, but no one showed up. Steelclaw started anew, was welcomed into the city by a nice demon called Scooter who took pity on him and drove him around to cheer him up, they talked and got to know more about each other under the night sky. Scooter, thinking of ways to help this wreck of a teen, offered Steel a small job: to house-sit his apartment while he was away and keep things clean. Steel quickly got attached to them and their kindness. Scooter became a big brother figure to Steel, constantly cheering him up and making sure he was okay, when he started making money as a Phighter Scooter insisted on him staying for longer at his place just so they would be sure he would be fine after leaving. Steel didn’t go far, moving to the apartment next door and still keeping a copy of the key, to this day continuing to tend to Scooter’s apartment while he’s away, which is most of the time. Steel believes he’s happier when he’s at the arena, falling back into an old habit, and relishing in the praise and love provided to him by an audience of complete strangers. Eventually he reunites with Hoverboard and Spraypaint, in both occasions being overjoyed at seeing his childhood friends again. But the thoughts that caused the separation in the first place come back along with them, Steel growing anxious around them, worrying about the anger that builds up in the bottom of his stomach. Unable to keep hold of all of those years of repressed feelings, they manifest in the most unfortunate ways. In a fit of anger, Steel breaks Spraypaint’s horn during a Phight. Neither want to talk about it after. Steel feel’s bad because he doesn’t regret doing it, and he knows that’s bad. He’s working on it.

  • Likes
    • The adreline of being a Phighter.
    • Being cheered by an audience.
    • Indulging in the occasional shop-lifting.
    • Street food.
    • Being in company.
  • Dislikes
    • Getting told what to do.
    • Being left out.
    • Authority.
    • Staying at home for too long.
  • Trivia
    • Steelclaw's original name was Beastclaw because of his gear, he decided he didn't like to be considered some sort of wild animal, so when he moved to Crossroads he changed it to Steelclaw.
    • His horns are abnormally small as a birth defect.
    • Even when he cries he has a big smile on his face, he break out into cackles as he bawls his eyes out, it really bothers him.
    • He is based on the Chesire cat from Alice in Wonderland, he's able to teleport a small distance in a cloud of purple smoke.