
1 year, 17 days ago





dFab, She/Her, Seeker Novice

Calm -- Adventurous --Helpful -- Supportive

Active -- Selfless

Reckless -- Too altruistic -- Dissatisfied -- Perfectionist

Gói is a very adventurous feline. She is not one to turn down the chance to explore no matter to where that may be or how dangerous it could be. She lost sight in her eye a couple cycles ago, but that does little to faze her even now. She is a very active feline, always up on her paws and doing something no matter what. Though she's all laughs and exploring she can come off as pretty reckless.

She is a cat with a big heart, very patient and calm, always willing to help out and put others before herself. She's willing to take the brunt of anything, so long as others are okay.

She isn't one to do anything without putting her all into it and that can leave her a touch frustrated if a task or anything isn't done properly. She's never fully satisfied with her handiwork and always able to find something to fault in it.